What did I touch that did this to my arm?

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)


I'm baffled by this weird rash thing on my arm. It's hard to do it justice in a picture, especially trying to take the photo myself. I didn't scratch myself in any way; this just appeared. It wasn't raised or anything, just discolored, and then when I was in the sun it blistered a little. Gross! I had one on my ankle too that scarred several months ago. I have no clue. Any ideas? I posted it here in vines since I have several, but it could very well be some of the California native shrubs that I have too. Please help me, whatever it is I'd like to avoid it.

Thanks a bunch, Christina

PS: Vines in my yard: morning glory, trumpet vine, wisteria, passiflora, black eyed susan vine, jasmine (pink and white), carolina jessamine...I think that's all of them. The natives will be rough to identify by I can take some photos if it helps.

Thumbnail by cnswift
San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

Same arm on the other side. Thanks again for any insight. :)

Thumbnail by cnswift
Moody, TX(Zone 8a)

Looks like you might also have a poison ivy vine in your yard as well...... Does it itch like mad?

Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

I think you have Poison Oak, it is very much like poison ivy, if you scratch it will spread, and take forever to heal, if it gets bad you can go to the Dr. for a shot.

New Port Richey, FL(Zone 9b)

Christina,If your Trumpet vine is Campsis Radicans it is also known as Cow-itch vine will cause a rash on some people.

By the pix's it doesn't appear that it is blistering or oosing any clear fluid.You didn't mention itching.So it probably is not poison oak or ivy.but with that being said if it is blistering or itching it could be posion oak or ivy.

This message was edited Jul 23, 2006 9:03 AM

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

Hi all, Thanks for the fast replies. I don't have poison oak or ivy, and it doesn't itch in the slightest. I didn't know that trumpet vine was referred to as cow itch vine though, so maybe that one? But is that itchy? If so, not it either. This might have been bad, but I drained the blistering...

New Port Richey, FL(Zone 9b)

I've mostly read that trumpet causes rash not really itchy.Never really a good Idea to drain blisters as it depends on what it is but can lead to scarring.Try applying Neosporin to affected area for a few days to promote healing where the blisters were.

Clearwater, FL(Zone 9b)

>> but can lead to scarring

And infection. The toughest part about blisters is leaving them ALONE.

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

Oh no! I will definitely put some neosporin on them! Darn cow itch vine!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Donlaclair, I don't know who told you the trumpet vine rash isn't itchy, but boy are they ever wrong.

I got some on my hands earlier this year and it itched worse than poison ivy. I would compare it to chigger bites on the itch level, although it looked more like poison ivy.

Perhaps the neosporin with pain relief would help with the itching as well as keeping the open bits from getting infected.

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

Oh, but here's the thing...mine does not itch at all. Maybe it's destined to be a mystery rash.

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Do you grow Rue (Ruta graveolens)? The oils in Rue can cause the sun to blister the skin. Is this painful like a burn?
Edited to say ~ I know Rue isn't a vine but perhaps a vine may have oils that do the same....

This message was edited Jul 25, 2006 6:21 AM

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

Not intentionally, but it might grow wild in the canyon. It doesn't burn or hurt in any way, but the description certainly sounds correct. It always seems to really stand out on my arm when I'm in the sun all day - similar to how freckles look more pronounced. Definitely have the water blisters too. I'll keep an eye out when I'm rooting around on the hill for rocks or what-not. Thanks!

Here's what I looked up on the internet for Rue:

Some people are allergic to rue and get a skin rash from handling the plant. Especially on hot days, just brushing against rue can cause water blisters and blotchy skin, much like poison ivy. For some people, ingestion causes increased photosensitivity and can lead to severe sunburn. Ingesting large amounts of rue can cause violent stomach pain, vomiting, and convulsions. Pregnant women should never ingest rue.

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

You know it may not be Rue but another plant with a similar effect. I hope you are able to isolate it. pod

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

I have a vine that gives me a major rash. Its my purple bow tie vine. dalechampia its called. I have to put on armor when i trim it.


San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

I had never heard of it until you mentioned it. It sure is pretty.

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