Canna Leaf Rollers

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Does anyone know of an effective preventative treatment for leaf rollers? I love cannas, but hate the way the foliage looks when these things hit, and they always attack every year here in Houston.

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

crowelli, a couple years ago i pulled up every canna i owned and threw them away because i was so tired of the leaf rollers. now, after trying again, it's one of my favorite plants. the best thing that has worked for me are systemic granules. the nursery was out of what i use, and i don't know the exact name off hand. but, i plan on going by there tomorrow and i will get back with you on what it's called. i also spray them with what ever i'm using on my other plants as i'm passing by too. if you stay consistent, it is possible to get rid of them....i'm now a believer.

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

i use sevien paul

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks very much for the info. I've just started us Disyston systemic on them. It's too early to tell if it's going to work so please do let me know the name of what you're using.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 9a)

I had them last year for the first time, and I've been growing cannas for years. I think they came in with a canna that I won Ebay. I purchased a spray for them early in the spring and fully intended to start a spraying program. This spring and summer have gone by so fast, and I thought that I was not going to have a problem with them, so I never got around to spraying. Our son flew in from LA this week to close on a house he purchased here in San Antonio, so instead of going to church this morning, I went out early to water everything before we went with him to his new house. Much to my dismay leaf rollers had devoured the foliage on cannas in the front and back yards overnight. There was absolutely no sign of them, and then boom the large caterpillars were rolled up in half of the chewed up leaves. How do they grow so fast? Now, I'm just sick that I didn't spray earlier. ashleykelly, if you find out the name of your systemic granules, please let us know. I hate spraying, and that would be so much easier.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Mini, I'm really surprised you've never had a problem before. They are absolutely horrible here in Houston. It's unusual that they do that much damage overnight with no earlier sign of them, but they are hungry little beasts and can wreak havoc once they get into them. I think they are caterpillars for a small moth, if I remember correctly. Someone told me once the leaves were damaged, cut them back and they'd resprout, but I'm afraid to try that in the heat of July or August. I'd hate to get rid of the bugs by killing the plant! It's been a bad year for bugs here all the way around. Must be the mild winter we had, because I'm having problems with lots of beasties. If the Di-syston works, I'll let you know and hopefully ashleykelly will get back to us with what she uses successfully.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 9a)

Crowellli, I guess I just lucked out before, because I had never even heard of them until last year when I had them so bad. I've seen the little brown moth flying around. I had a few more of mine with them this morning. I wonder where they are before they roll up the leaves, as they are sure big to grow like that in just one night? They are so gross. Yukkkkkkkk!

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

hey y'all, i'm spending mon. and tues. in new orleans so it will be a few more days until i get back to the nursery, but i must go. i just noticed a few rollers on my tropicannas! you may know this already, but look for a leaf that is rolled up, and looks like it could be opened....but can't because of the 'webbing' (put by the leaf roller) that's keeping it closed. it's just a sign i look for to find them sooner. once i see the leaves that can't open, i take the blade of the scissors and slide it along the webbing to open it without tearing the leaf. almost always there is a little bug that has gone to town on my foliage. i cut the leaf off, kill the bug and spray the plants really good. so it must be time to reapply those granuales....i love that stuff because it's so easy! i haven't forgotten, but until i can let you know the name you might just want to check your leaves to prevent them from doing any further damage.

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