Weight Loss Challange July 22 - July 29, 2006

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Well, folks another busy and very HOT week has passed. It has been hard on most of us because the heat was so oppressive. This coming week is suppose to be cooler. I certainly pray it is. Does anyone else remember the summer back in the '80s when it was so hot for several weeks in a row and riots broke out in large cities even in the midwest. The heat was blamed for them for some reason. KC & St. Louis had some big riots. I guess the heat affected people's sense of reasoning.

We will be trying to eat better this coming week. I will plan meals a little better I hope because I somehow feel more motivated than I did last week. I think I was gone somewhere nearly everyday last week and somehow planning meals wasn't real high on my list of priorities. Just throw together what I could find that would make a somewhere near balanced meal. I did watch portions pretty closely tho thos past week. It was the snacks that probably got me into trouble. Too many carbs, like grapes, bananas, crackers, etc.

I have a small pamphlet I got somewhere that tells what fiber is, where we get it, and what size a portion is according to this source. I think their portions are a bit small, but it is good for losing weight. I have it taped to the outside of a cabinet door where I prepare the plates of food for our meals. The scales and measuring cups are behind or hanging on the door so there is little excuse for overeating at mealtimes. Problem is, I don't always follow it closely.

We have been snacking on a lot of grapes the last few days. The bag of them I bought on Wednesday is nearly gone already. I've made some turkey bacon BLTs on whole grain breads a couple times. Since the slices of those breads tend to be larger than regular sandwich bread I cut them in 1/2 and served them with fruit and other veggies. The heat tends to reduce the desire for solid foods. I know I have been drinking enough water, I can't say about Jack tho I think he is doing ok.

Tricia, how is little Matt? I have read a bit on Mono and have known a few people who have had it. It seems to leave them fatigued much of the time for a very long time. In your last post tho I noted that you said he is playing much as a 2 year old should be playing so that is good to hear. And how is your shoulder? Did you ever go to a doctor about it?

My thoughts are with your family during this time of grief over the death of your DH's grandmother.

Vic, is your DDs ankle healing on schedule? Sprains do seem to take a long time to heal. How did she sprain it?

Has anyone heard from Kim and Howie? I know she has mentioned some really stressful issues they are going thru in their lives right now. My thoughts and prayers are with them.

GOD bless and keep each of you.

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