In my garden

I have lilies. Even some orange ones. I have reputaion for not liking orange. This one is growing on me.

Thumbnail by echoes

So what's not to like?

Parkland Orange

This message was edited Jul 23, 2006 12:45 PM

Thumbnail by echoes

Really don't like this one though.

Thumbnail by echoes

Not orange, but very unusual, Brown Buttercup, a gift from Ginny's collection.

This message was edited Jul 23, 2006 12:44 PM

Thumbnail by echoes

Just one more, so as not to bore you. Ambrosia

Thumbnail by echoes
Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

Very nice lilies Brenda, and they sure are blooming beautifully for you. Thanks for sharing. --Ginny

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Lovely lilies. I LOVE orange. If it weren't for lily beatles, I'd offer to take the one you don't like off your hands.


Thanks ladies. I hate to see lily season ending, but the daylilies are starting to be the excitement now.

Seedling #4 or otherwise known as "Wait for Me" Throat is greener than it looks here.

Thumbnail by echoes
Mississauga, ON(Zone 6a)

I do like orange and these are lovelies.


St. Peter's, PE(Zone 6a)

Your lilies look fantastic! I added alot more orange to my gardens this year and I love the splashes of it in different spots it really makes the gardens pop.


Thanks Joan, Michelle, for your kind comments.

After looking through some pics, I'm quite sure that the first one is Alexis. I can't say I don't like orange, anymore. It was just a stage of likes and disllikes. Although some oranges, I like better than others. Parkland Orange is so clear and bright it reminds me of Orange Crush. Really calls you from far away.

I still like the pinks, just usually not right beside the orange. Here's a new one for this year, Aladdin's Quest

Thumbnail by echoes
Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

Aladdin's Quest is very nice. Very cool and subtle.

I never used to like orange much either. This year I put my first small amount of orange in my garden with a milkweed (sorry, I'd actually have to go out to the garden and look at the tag to give you the name), since I am trying to attract more butterflies and moths. I have it in a new seating area that has very exotic looking plants - a hardy banana (musa basjoo?), some red and some green castor beans with HUGE leaves, some Walking Stick Kale that refuses to grow UP but is most definitely growing out, datura, and my first brugmansia. I have to admit that the small splash of orange is very appropriate in this planting that looks so exotic.

Your lilies are gorgeous Brenda, even the orange ones :-)


White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)


Do you remember where you bought Parkland Orange? Lovely. ....and look at those short, stubby, star-shaped anthers on Brown Buttercup, I don't remember seeing any like that before!

I used to hate orange and yellow too, but now..... bring it on!!


Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)


Lynnette Westfall at Valley K has most of the Fellner lilies , including many as yet unregistered seedlings. At the moment her website has crashed, but you can stilll get her list and prices -and order - from a pdf that she has going.

Go look for

Towards the end of the red type, there is a very small 'download' This brings up the pdf file.

Cheers Inanda
who just LOVES your willow structures. (and your garden generally).

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Like everyone else here the golden oldie orange has set my teeth on edge a few times but with the right companion plants I've come to really appreciate it. That Parkland Orange is on my want list . Thanks everyone for sharing pics/names/suppliers of so many lilies.

Echoes one of these days you've got to show us all your flowers beds.

White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

Thanks, inanda, I found the Fellner article page too when I did a google image search.

Do you guys have the Red Lily beetle out West? I hate it, I hate it!!!


Here's a lovely soft orange called Landis

This message was edited Jul 25, 2006 8:55 PM

Thumbnail by sanannie

Sandy, my records say that Parkland orange was a gift lily from Lynnette at Valley K. ( She has been my favourite supplier for as long as I can remember buying lilies. Her stuff is good and if she sends a mislabeled lily or anything goes wrong, she is so wonderful at making things right. I've bought roses from her too.

My Brown Buttercup is still a baby really, and bloom was small, with only a couple. As the bulb gets bigger, I expect it will perform better.

Pam, would you like a garden tour thread or maybe I should do one in my diary? I have almost finished putting my pics in my lily journal and it is now open.

Ginny, probably Asclepias tuberosa?

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Thanks Brenda I enjoyed seeing your lilies and all your other entries (ok I'm a snoop ;).

sanannie I haven't heard anyone talking about it locally (or at the SK. Lily Society meetings I've managed to attend in Regina). A quick search on the web said Portage La Prairie, Manitoba has a line set up for people to call to report sightings of the Red Lily Beetle (or to get a positive ID). Sounds like it is slowly moving westward (maybe our winter is proving to be a problem for it).

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Brenda this is my first choice:

would you like a garden tour thread

I really enjoyed looking at your journal but I wanna see it ALL!!! What ya got growing beside it etc, etc. :^))

This message was edited Jul 25, 2006 7:15 PM

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

A July 9, 2006 article in the Manitoba Gardener says:

The lilies are in bloom too. Some have already finished. And that reminds me that I am to tell you that the dreaded lily leaf beetle has arrived in Winnipeg. It has been positively identified in East Kildonan, so be on the look out. The beetle is a shiny bright red with two prominent black antennae. The larvae are pink or flesh-coloured grubs that cover themselves with excrement as a protective measure. They feed on the leaves of lilies, Solomon's seal, and lily of the valley. The first sing of infestation may be a discolouration of the upper side of the leaf as the larvae feed on the undersides. Or you may see bite sized pieces of the leaf missing as the adults feed on the top side.

If you're diligent, you an control this pest with hand picking or you can spray your plants with neem oil, sold as a leaf shine as it is not registered as a pesticide in Canada. If you want neem oil, call Nicole at 940-2700 or toll free at 1-888-680-2008.


White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)


Oh no! They're in Winnipeg! The Lily Beetle only showed up in force in White Lake a couple of years ago, but from reports out of Almonte and Ottawa, we heard they were coming our way. They're just awful creatures that can leave lily foliage looking like a tattered mess and can completely defoliate a plant if left to itself. We have to pick off the adults and squish the larvae (yuck) almost daily.

Here's a good link for anyone wanting to know more:

Some pics of your garden beds would be a real treat!


Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Thank you Sandy! I'll be keeping my eyes and ears peeled for that one now. Hoping our winter stops it but if we have another mild one like last year I imagine it will be here pretty quick. :(

Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

Ginny, probably Asclepias tuberosa?

You're absolutely right Brenda :-)

I too would love to see a tour of your gardens!

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Sorry to hear that the lily beatle is making its way westward. I've virtually given up growing lilies. It's just too much trouble keeping ahead of the beatles.

They are there almost when the plants start emerging. I think nothing of squishing them in my bare hands now. Or sometimes I collect a whole handful and then stomp on them. (IThey chatter a lot when trapped in my hand).

The larvae, OTOH is a whole different story. The beatles mate and lay eggs on the bottom of the leaves. If you are diligent, you can sometimes squish many of those eggs. But those that hatch start feeding on the leaves and then cover themselves in their own excrement. I don't deal with that w/o gloves. Yuck.

They apparently have no natural enemies in North America; so do very well.


South of Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

From your garden to mine - my first Tiger Lily...
Thank-you Echoes!


Thumbnail by durtcom

Fantastic. I hope you like them Susan. I have a bouquet of them sitting in my living room right now. You can take (just before they fal off) those little bulbils from the stem and stick them in the ground and have lots more lilies in a few years.

I hope I sent you more lilies than just the tiger. You need more lilies. It's a wonderfu addiction.

This message was edited Aug 9, 2006 8:23 AM

South of Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Brenda - I have already pushed some of those bulbils into the dirt. How long will it take for those to become a flowering plant? You were very generous last year to share some of your plants with me but tiger was the only lily. I am a fairly recent lily fan. It started two years ago when I found a new asiatic lily called 'Dotcom'. Had to have it because that is my screen name on most other places I go on the web (it was already taken here at Dave's). I ordered in the fall of 2004 and it wasn't available for some reason. I ordered again this past fall and finally she bloomed last week! I have accumulated a few others as well. I am amazed at how many varieties are available - I could be collecting for a long time. Is there a support group for lily addicts...?

I have seen Dot Com in bloom. A very nice one, but you would have to have it, whatever it looked like. Support group? I don't think so. We'd just end up being a group of enablers. Allow me to direct to you to some of my favourite lily places, Valley K, Lily Nook, Parkland Perennials, SW Gardens, think I may have missed a few, but they will come to me.

It will take a couple of years before you see those babies bloom, but the bulb stem should be making babies under the surface too, and the main bulb should get bigger and split into more. Won't be long and you'll have a nice clump.

This message was edited Aug 8, 2006 4:10 PM

South of Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Thanks for the support (ahem... enabling) - I am familiar with all but SW Gardens which I will check out shortly. Here is a pic of my Dotcom:

Thumbnail by durtcom
White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

Oh, that's a looker!


Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

WOW!!! Ü

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

It seems every NALS there is one particular must have lily for me. It was the tangos some years ago in the SW garden and then Dot Com in Minnieapolis. Nothing thel ast couple of years. Maybe because I have too many lilies now. Botrytis has hit here and there but no beetle YET. Better stock up on the Neem before Cdn. Dept. of Ag. bans it!!!

This is Bruner Bar, a fave of mine. Couldn't find Dot Com to post.

This message was edited Aug 9, 2006 2:00 PM

Thumbnail by inanda
Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Lovely, Inanda. You really think the gov't is going to ban Neem Oil? Sigh... What next? We have little to choose from as it is.


Cochrane, ON(Zone 2b)

Brenda your lilies are beautiful as usual. I am like you when it comes to orange in the garden but that Parkland Orange is really something. It looks like it has a touch of pink mixed in with the orange. It sure makes an outstanding display. Ambrosia is very nice too.

I really do dread the day that the lily beetles hit our area. There aren't enough hours in my day as it is.

Hi Linda. Thanks, I'll send you a Parkland this fall if you like it. I guess you could say it leans towards pink, not to yellow. I'm hoping that I am isolated enough that the beetles will have difficulty finding my gardens, but suppose eventually I will be fighting them too.

Susan, great picture. Ginny, I love Brauner Bar too, now thanks to you.

Neem oil, doubt it will be banned. In Canada it is sold as a leaf shine product, not an insecticide. Maybe that will keep it on the shelves.

Cochrane, ON(Zone 2b)

Gosh Brenda, would love a Parkland bulb/bulblet if you can spare it. I have a few new ones this year you might like if you don't already have them. Original Love L.A. Hyb., Twinkle Salmon Tiger & Dolly Madison Asiatic. Will also be digging up my Butter Pixie's as they have multiplied so much. I don't remember if I sent you any of those or not, maybe your Mom could use some.

Thumbnail by broots

Linda, Dmail coming your way soon. I must take a look at which lilies need dividing this year. None to go to my Mom's as I'm tired of the deer eating everything there. I pot up a few Orientals and she can take them in when they bloom.

Still one more to open for me, L. speciosum, a white one. Can't believe the lilies are finished already. Quite depressing.

Cochrane, ON(Zone 2b)

I just have L. rubrum left to open. I missed some of mine when they bloomed as I was out of town & I just love seeing lilies in bloom. Talk to you later.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

If there is anybody near me in Calgary who would like some iris please dmail me directly. I will be digging about lst week in Sept and anything not gone by Sept 9 will go to the Plant Share. Sorry I am not willing to mail divisions! These are 'old' unnamed plants from a garden planted probably 50 years ago.


This is a first year seedling of Rosy Returns. I don't remember if I kept a record of where the pollen came from, but it sure looks a lot like the mother. Just opening in the morning.

Thumbnail by echoes

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