tomatoes in compost bags

Javea, Spain(Zone 10a)

Hello - I'm new to this forum. I have a problem with BER on my crop of tomatoes and was wondering if it was due to my growing method. I simply bought some 80ltr bags of regular potting compost, popped them on their sides and made holes for the plants and bobs your uncle! they shot up very quickly but as soon as the fruit set I saw the dreaded BER(blossom end rot).

Is this because i didn't put them in pots? I have heard that it is caused by irregular watering but I watered them every day. Also feed them with liquid tomato fertiliser.

Did I have a bad idea?

Gurnee, IL(Zone 5a)

bizzylizzy--- interesting growing method. Have you given them dolomitic lime or fertizer? DGer Cricket Garden does peppers or squash in compost and manure bags; but she also feeds them Mittleider Magic once a week. J. Mittleider developed weekly feed (epsom salt, borax laundry booster and maybe micro-nutrients) to ensure plants had a steady supply of the elements to produce well in a raised-bed gardens-I think your compost bags qualify as a raised bed of sorts. Contact her or checkout her postings and checkout her garden diary. I hope this helps- happy gardening.

Javea, Spain(Zone 10a)

Ok will do that - thanks for the advice.

Gurnee, IL(Zone 5a)

bizzylizzy-- here ia sight I just ran accross today : after ordering some grow bags for the first time. Hope it helps you. LOL

Javea, Spain(Zone 10a)

Hi Bernie

I am no stranger to growbags - I used them when I lived in England. However they are long and thin and I wonder if that makes it easier to get water to the roots. I am using 80 litre bags of potting compost which are fatter and wider and I wonder if that makes them harder to water thoughly and evenly from the small planting hole in the top....

Hey - thanks for your input on this, appreciate it.

Gurnee, IL(Zone 5a)

Lizzy--- thanks for your reply- it helps to validate my intent to start using (greenhouse ones) next year.

Although not new to you they are to me. I too have similar questions about watering but was waiting for "Market Season" to end for Cricket before asking her.

How did you water your bags in England; what did you grow; and how long did you live there? Did you pickup an accent? Where did you live?

Now, that you're in Spain what do you plan to grow in bags or otherwise? Isn't it sunnier and hotter there?
. My neighbors are English and many of their visiting relatives talk about retiring to Spain because of the weather, people, lifestyle and beautiful sunny beaches.
Lizzy please forgive all my question-it isn't often one gets an opportunity to converse with a Continental. LOL

Javea, Spain(Zone 10a)

Hi Bernie

I don't mind your questions at all.

Growbags in England are narrow about 1ft deep by 8 in high by 3-4ft wide. That makes them compact enough to water through the planting hole in the top (which you have to cut yourself) You have to slit drainage holes in the bottom too.

The manufacturers recommend 3 plants per bag. I have grown Gardeners Delight and aubergine and peppers in them. In a greenhouse. But they can support a huge variety of veg. The quality and balance of nutrients depends
on how much you pay for them. Somewhere between 3 - 5 dollars each. When season is over - chuck on the veg patch unless you dare use them again;)

Rambling on further...I am English and regret to say that my accent is very unremarkable ie non-regional. I was living in Southampton before coming to Spain. It is hot here but because we live in a coastal area - not quite as hot as Madrid nor as cold in winter. We had snow the winter before last though - the local kids were so excited - but it didn't last long.

I am planning to keep the garden as mediterranean adapted as possible as this saves water, so yuccas, palms herbs and exotics (in pots). My problem and I know this is a good problem, is that this garden was very thoughtfully planned and planted about 27 years ago. I am loathe to change anything but you can't stop a gardener...anyway I have nowhere to grow veg(hence the bag experiment). I don't think I will use the compost bags again. The quality is so variable and the experiment has gone a bit t*ts up, as they say in England - pardon my french!!! I will have to sacrifice an area. Very hard to do.

Hasta la proxima

Piccie of my back courtyard where the tomatoes are now

Thumbnail by B1ZZYL1ZZY

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