persian shield

Brooklyn, NY

I put my persian shield plant in the direct sun, as the little tag said, and now the sun has scorched the leaves and it looks like the stem is also dying. I just learn that it is a shade lover. How can I revive my poor dying persian shield?

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Bynum, Welcome to the NE forum! I'm not familiar with this plant, but while we are waiting for someone to come by, I would get it into shade and make sure its watered. Even sun loving plants will wilt when transplanted into full sun in July.


Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

That makes sense to me..

Bridgewater, MA(Zone 6b)

This plant can be a little confusing in our climate. I agree that it is considered a shade plant when it is growing in a tropical area, but it handles a lot of sun for me here in Massachusetts, and the instruction tag that said Full Sun is probably aimed at growers in temperate climates. I grow it in full sun with lots and lots of water, and it does very nicely, but it needs to be pinched once a week so it doesn't get leggy. I wouldn't put the plant in full shade in NY, but if yours seems really sensitive to the sun, I think you'd get best growth and color if you let it have bright morning sun and then dappled shade in the afternoon. Fertilizer shouldn't be too much of an issue; it likes some occasionally, but I wouldn't feed it if it is still stressed. Keep it very moist; fortunately, it lets you know if it is thirsty, and will pout and wilt when dry.

Did you buy the plant out of a greenhouse? Sometimes if they aren't used to the sun, they need to be gradually introduced to it. This is the case for me with Coleus too, which I also grow in full sun. That might explain why it got so stressed when you put it right out in the sun. If the plant cooperates, it would be worth getting it used to the sun so you can see the almost metallic quality of the purple when the sun is shining on it. You can also take cuttings from it in the fall and keep it during the winter as a house plant.

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