Problem with rust

Arcata, CA(Zone 9b)

I live in Calif. As most of you know CA., has taken a lot of good sprays off the market. Can anyone tell me of a product I can purchase in CA to help with a rust problem on my irises? What do you use to help in this problem? Anyone has any home mixers?

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

It's probably not rust, it's probably leaf spot. You can get Daconil here which is in Lilly Miller Disease Control.

I use Bayer systemic fungicide and Daconil as you are supposed to alternate products each spraying. Use a spreader sticker product. You'll have to remove all of the diseased leaves before you do this, and don't walk through the iris when they are wet as it can spread the fungus.

Leaf Spot is not supposed to kill the plants but certainly has taken a toll on some of mine.

If it's not leaf spot, then let me know..

Arcata, CA(Zone 9b)

I was told by the local nursery that it was rust. They were the ones that told me all the good products have been removed.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

The chemicals I mentioned above will work on rust also and should be available locally. There are some better chemicals for rust but they are pretty toxic even if you could get them. You do have to get rid of infected plant parts. This is a good time of the year to cut your iris back if you need to. That makes spraying easier anyway. Put the cuttings in the trash and not in the recycling.

I buy both Lily Miller and Bayer systemic fungicide at my local nursery and it is available on line and in the big box stores. One of my local nurseries doesn't carry daconil. But it's a choice, not a rule.

I hate it when nurseries do that. I had to figure it out for myself too. I had to open the label of every silly fungicide on the shelf in order to find out which one had daconil in it.

Either way, rust or leaf spot, all you can do is treat it as a fungus and hope for the best.

I'm sorry that you are having to deal with this. If this is truly rust then you need to tell your nursery that they are selling rust infected plants.

This FAQ from Impressive Irises in Australia may be of some help.

Arcata, CA(Zone 9b)

Most of my irises that I have came from Schreiner's, a few friends and neighbors. I don't think I have ever purchased from my local nursery that had rust. I check the plants very carefully before purchasing local.
Thanks for all the help

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

I'd contact Schreiner's and ask them what to do. Rust in daylilies can lurk and not show up for awhile. I assume that it's the same way with iris.

The information at Impressive Irises is about the best I can find. I do hope that I never have to deal with this. Rust in daylilies is killed by cold weather but in warm winter areas it can only be fought by getting rid of all foliage and then using a spray system, or some people just peel off infected foliage and let it be.

Iris rust is puccinia iridis
Here's Bayer information:

Lily Miller and Ortho both have Daconil (otherwise known as chlorothalonil)

Lilly/miller fungicide is approved for foliar treatment of iris.

I wish that I could give you more help.

Arcata, CA(Zone 9b)

Thanks for all the info. I found a bottle of daconil in my garage. This is one of the products I think Calif., has taken off the market. I have a new bottle not opened. Thanks again.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Just bought some last week. :-)

Edited to say that this is the June edition of my nurseries email and it mentions Ortho with daconil

This message was edited Jul 24, 2006 8:31 AM

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