celosia help

Brooklyn, NY

a bought a celosia from a nursery about 4 days ago, it looked like it was in good condition but its roots were starting to get rootbound, so i repotted it. I know they are sensetive to transplanting but i dont think that is whats killing it. Its leaves are starting to get thin, limp and wrinkled. I dont think its because im overwatering it because i dont think i am. is there any other reason that this would happen to a celosia?

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Transplant shock? Give it time, shelter from the hot sun and don't overwater it. Good luck!

Grand Rapids, MI

When you repotted,did you break up or lossen the girdled roots?

If not, yank it out of the pot and tear some of the roots loose and spread them out. Healthy roots should have a white color to it.

You can be giving it perfect care, but if the roots are all bound up or brownish, the plant wont grow.

After you have scored or loosened the roots, water and give a gentle feeding.

Michigan Certified Nurseryman #1674

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