Eggplant - Green Goddess

Magnolia, TX(Zone 8b)

I planted Green Goddess, now I'm not sure when to harvest. I have lots which are large and the usual purple-ish color, and some are yellowish to green. Am I supposed to harvest when they turn green? The photo on the card that came with the plant show a REALLY green, elongated eggplant. Not at all like what we buy at the grocery store.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Green Goddess is green from the gitgo. It is little more difficult to determine when it has reached its full potential than a purple type. Same rule applies, when the surface begans to lose it sheen, it just is not as visible. Like most eggplants, if in doubt pick early. Eggplant, like summer squash and cucumbers are used as immature fruits. They are good anytime from when they big enough to use until they start to ripen (mature). As they ripen they get tough and seedy.

Thumbnail by Farmerdill
Magnolia, TX(Zone 8b)

Well then that's definitely NOT what I have growing. Mine is long but purple!

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