squash question

Plano, TX

Is it possible to over water squash? My zucchini and crook neck look great in the morning before watering but soon thereafter they start to wilt. Part of the problem is Texas heat- We have had 104-106 degrees for 9 days in a row and overnite temp of 84-88. I figured they needed alot of water in this heat but maybe not. All advice is welcome

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

If you are speaking about the fruit shrivelling up, I have the same problem. Upon doing some research I have found that when little zucchini start to grow, but then turn to mush and shrivel, it is because the fruit was not pollinated.

Plano, TX

The fruit is holding up fine it is the leaves that are wilting. Thanks for the reply.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

JFredT - I'm in Iowa and we've been having some really bad heat lately - in the 100's and humid. I find that my squash also wilt during the day, even when they have been watered in the morning. They perk up overnight. I am still getting squash off them, so I don't worry too much. I think it's the plant's way of coping with the heat. I wilt too. I don't water to a point of saturation - mine are in raised beds and I water them usually in the evenings, pretty much every day if there is no rain, and I water for about 30-60 minutes with the sprinkler.

I would say your plants are just coping with the heat. I think some people in your area use shade cloth to provide some relief to their plants? I'm not familiar with the practice but maybe it would also help?

High Desert, NV(Zone 5a)

We too are having heat in the 100's today is forecasted to be 95 and partially overcast, i am thrilled! I am also a bit of a squash nut, we have about 100 plants, summer and winter in our backyard garden.

Your wilting is from the heat, as long as the leaves pop back up when it cools off they are fine. That is if they are not wilting to the point of desiccation. Mine wilt most days even though they are quite healthy. I water in the evening figuring they had a tough day and need a drink, but there are times i don't water, or can't and i only worry about the plants that haven't perked up by morning.

Happy Gardening!

High Desert, NV(Zone 5a)

Cross posted with CMox... It seems most everyone is having this heat wave!

Plano, TX

Thank all of you for your replies. I thought it probably was the heat but i knew there were people out there with alot more experience than i have. I usually water late in the evenings and have just recently startedwatering in the mornings thinking it would help in these hot times. I will keep an eye on them and hope for cooler weather.

Acton, TN(Zone 7a)

Over in the ornamental gourd forum they were talking about cucumber beetles & referenced an article that said the biggest problem for gourds is cucumber beetles spreading bacterial wilt. We lost all our zucchini, most of the cukes, a pepper, tomatoes & artichokes. We had squash bugs bad so I thought it was them but I always see thoses innocent looking cucumber beetle and mexican bean beattles flitting around. Perhaps I'm blaming the wrong culprit? I don't think it's in the soil because is doen't affect the whole bed at the same time or progress in a logical manner. We don't like to spray, but resorted to one spray of Sevin which saved the eggplants and one of the cukes. I replanted in July and have resorted to row covers on the squash & cukes but am letting the rest fend for themselves. http://davesgarden.com/forums/t/603411/
and the article they reference: http://www.gourdbits.com/newsletters/cucumber-beetles/index.html

Aurora, CO(Zone 5a)

It was in the 100s here last weekend. I definitely wilted. My plants didn't do too bad, but then they don't get full sun where they are. In the afternoon, they're partly shaded by trees.

Acton, TN(Zone 7a)

Here's another article on the Cucumber beattle with pictures.


I have both the striped one and the yellow spotted one -- Lucky me! This article lists deseases caused by this little-not-so-cute pest as (1) bacterial wilt & (2) mosiac squash virus. It also feeds on plants, roots & blossoms. ARRGH!

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