Never know what you will find on a hike.

Athens, OH

My son and I discovered a hill in the middle of the woods with these beautiful clematis [they were much brighter pink, before being uprooted and shoved in a pack for several hours].
They look a lot like the species C. Texensis.

Turns out they are Clematis viorna.

We took home a few and after dying back completely, they are now showing new growth!

The USDA has a decent listing (many with images) of native plants. You can search by State.

Thumbnail by rox_male
Proctorville, OH(Zone 5b)

ah rox you are providing such rich experiences for your son. He'll always treasures these times. The clematis is great. I didn't realize they had natives.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

That's beautiful - great find!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Those are lovely. How old is your son? I agree, that experience is precious for children, even if they don't know it yet.

I remember going for walks in the woods with my late grandmother. She would tell me the names of all the native plants, and we once made a shadow box with some of my favorites. That memory and the knowledge I gained from her will always be with me. :)

Southwest, OH(Zone 6a)

Lovely! I need to start taking walks into the woods.

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Beautiful Rox! I didn't know there were natives in Ohio!!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

I found a new, to me, technique for rooting Clematis cuttings.
Don't dust them w/ RH.
Push them in a dampened 5 to 1 sand to RH mixture to root.
Cover to keep in the humidity.


Athens, OH

Ryan is now 9.5. He and I often hangout on the family hikes, looking for new plants, while my husband is photographing the local lizards, snakes, salamanders and frogs. We hike mostly in OH, but we have gone as far away as Belize and Hawaii with Ryan for these adventures.

I will try this technique. Thanks.

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