Starting Asparagus

Ronkonkoma, NY(Zone 6b)

Hi all,
I am planning to start an asparagus bed and I have a few questions. A have decided to build a separate bed for them. Someone told me they are invasive. This didn't sound right to me, is this true? I have an area that gets full sun most of the day, is this a good spot? I realize that it takes a few years to get to a harvest point, but here is my question, can I plant the crowns at any point in the year? Is now too late? I am leaning towards Jersey Giant, any feedback on this of suggestions. Thanks all.
p.s. (down with caterpillars)

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

They usually recommend early to mid Spring for planting, but if you've got the crowns right now, you gotta plant em. Full sun's fine, some afternoon shade's okay too.

Jersey Giant is an all-male hybrid. It will not be making babies all over the place (which is, I assume, what that person meant by "invasive.") Keep it mulched well (especially w/ such a young plant with all this heat) so you don't have a problem with weeds, and keep it well fed.

Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)

I raised some seeds of perhaps Knight and had some large seedlings of another unknown variety. I set them out recently. I think it might be better to plant them now to give them more time to get established this year...providing they are watered enough in this hot weather.

My established plants that get a fair amount of shade outproduce the sunny bed which has grass in it.

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

Indy, do you attribute the better growth to the shade or to the bed not having grass in it?

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