Question about corn silk.

High Desert, NV(Zone 5a)

The first planting i have of corn developed silk two weeks ago or so. Now, i notice that some of the silk is sort of drying up and beige and some has turned a pretty burgundy colour. I did plant two varieties, and in the first planting they are a bit mixed up, if it were just a colour difference i would think it was varietal, but the one drying up and the other not makes me wonder.

This is the first year i've grown corn (much more room at this house and different zone) i am also wondering how you know when to harvest... How long after the silk forms (on average) do you start checking the kernels?

Thanks for any info!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Just peel some of the shuck back and take a look. I do this in about 3 spots in the garden to give a good idea. Some ripen sooner, so check several places. Don't let it get too ripe.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

tombaack, the cobs will normally be in the "milk stage" (exactly when you want to pick them) around 20 days after you first see the silks.

As for why some are drying up and others not could be the two differences in your two corn types; perhaps one is an earlier variety than the other? As for the one that is showing burgundy silks, did you plant Kandy Korn by any chance? (They exhibit that color. Very pretty!)

As for other checks for maturity, signs that indicate when the corn is ready for harvest are drying and browning of the silks, fullness of the tip kernels and firmness of the unhusked ears.

Hope you have a great harvest!

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

I look at the silks first and then I hold the cob in the middle if it has a full feel then I slip back the leaves for a look see. The feel test is pretty accurate. Yes some corn silks dry faster than others. If your corn feels skinny it will not be ripe. Ernie

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

corn bows

tried to get this to go above but had to do it here. Ernie

Thumbnail by eweed
High Desert, NV(Zone 5a)

Thank you all for the information.

Ernie, that is a really nice picture!

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