Not quite open but by__gum they're flowers

Delhi, IA

Well I finally have more flowers. They sure can be slow when you are watching them.

Thumbnail by jamlover
Delhi, IA

And old standby that is always appreciated.

Thumbnail by jamlover
Delhi, IA

New one for me. Rather like it. Actually liked it so well I did it twice. Guess you can edit out info, but not photos.

This message was edited Jul 17, 2006 12:35 AM

Thumbnail by jamlover
Delhi, IA

Another new kid on the block.

Thumbnail by jamlover
Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Well, Jam, you forgot something.
Their names!
Let us know them please, LOL
But looks good and nice colors on them.

Delhi, IA

OK< so I'm stuck on dark ones_____ even a repeat.

Thumbnail by jamlover
Delhi, IA

The poor thing didn't even get a chance to fully open. Am I impatient or what??

Thumbnail by jamlover
Delhi, IA

The names are printed right in the photos____at least they are on mine!!!

Delhi, IA

OK OK so I do have a little of other colors.

If in doubt (I wasn't) read the copper tag. I didn't and called this Ariel Sitka. It wasn't.
(Kind of like who's on first??????)

Thumbnail by jamlover
Olympia, WA(Zone 8b)

DANG, Girl!! HOW DID you do that, re: names of flower ON the pic?? you are AMAZING!!


Delhi, IA

And with her neighbors___

Thumbnail by jamlover
Delhi, IA

Thanks, I needed that tonight. I've taken so many daylily photos____about 13 today that opened for the first time. I put the names in right away.

Have to sneak one of these in even though it's not dahlias. Each one is diff. These are all blooms that opened for the first time on that date.

Thumbnail by jamlover
Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Duh, guess I didn't look at the pics close enough. I was looking at the pretty flowers, not the text, LOL
Good idea tho. But I just name my file of the flower.

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

I want one of each of the lilac and purples, Ryan C, Summer Night, and Camano Choice. Real Stunners!

Delhi, IA

Many of my Karma collection are starting.

Thumbnail by jamlover
Delhi, IA

Suppose to have stems for cutting. Maybe in the heat they saved their energy for bloom!!

Thumbnail by jamlover
Delhi, IA

Again, they aren't fully open.

Thumbnail by jamlover
Delhi, IA

OK, the one above made me out a liar.

Thumbnail by jamlover
Delhi, IA

One more Karma

Thumbnail by jamlover
Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Jam - I lIke the Ariel and Sangria out of that group. The 1:08 posting was nice also - you really are impatient - are you getting the help you need? :)

Aptos, CA

Absolutely gorgeous! I LOOOOOOVE the dark ones now...SO pretty...Ryan C..nice and your plants look so healthy!!!!!! Yay for you!

Delhi, IA

Missed Karma Ventura

Thumbnail by jamlover
Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Great show Jamlover! I don't even like daylilies ( lightning strikes.....) but yours are lovely! The dahlias are even more lovely. It's so nice to see your hard work pay off and the Karmas I look forward to because I have several of them here for the first time. Ventura and Fuschiana will be the first to bloom, and Sangria!

IF that yellow and bronze Ariel Sitka isn't, might I guess it could be Chimacum Topaz? It sure looks like it to me.

corrected typo

This message was edited Jul 22, 2006 9:10 AM

Delhi, IA

Gitts Attention joined the blooming.

Poochella, the one you mentioned is supposed to be Camano Ariel. Do you think that is a wrong label??

This message was edited Jul 21, 2006 3:16 PM

Thumbnail by jamlover
Delhi, IA

Time for some insect control.

Thumbnail by jamlover
Delhi, IA

Got a Fringed Star Al____photo coming____battery charging. And a couple of others.

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Yippee- more photos coming!
About the Camano Ariel or Ariel Sitka, the unlabelled one- I've been sending Chimacum Topaz around the country for a few years and I wondered if you received it in a trade? It looks so much like your unlabelled one.

Here's a photo from last year's Chimacum Topaz (B SC Light Blend, yellow bronze) fully open.

Here's another link to it:

And one not so open- see if you think it is a possibility.

Here's Camano Ariel- much pointier petals (cactus) ( and really pretty!

I guess time will tell, or help you guess who the mystery yellow blend is.

Thumbnail by Poochella
Delhi, IA

Poochella, mine is supposed to be Camano Ariel.

Ready Al, drum roooooooooooooooooooooooolllllllllllllllllll
It's Fringed Star.

Edited to say now isn't that about as close to Alfred Grille as they come!!!

This message was edited Jul 22, 2006 3:57 PM

Thumbnail by jamlover
Delhi, IA

And a ruby

Thumbnail by jamlover
Delhi, IA

This one kind of grows on you.

Thumbnail by jamlover
Delhi, IA

This one forgot to grow a stem. Look at 5:00 where I pulled away future stems.

Thumbnail by jamlover
Delhi, IA

Fully open Karmas let their belly button show. I don't know if I care for that look or not. Maybe it will grow on me.

Thumbnail by jamlover
Delhi, IA

And my NOID shorty. Think someone is playing tricks on me.

Thumbnail by jamlover
Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

Nobody has commented on your beautiful daylily bouquet, Jam, is dropdead gorgeous. Wow, I just wished they were n't so fleeting.

Of course your dahlias are outstanding too.

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

I like the Gitts - the lacinated ends appeal to me.
The Karmas are looking good so far, how the sizes been?

Fringed Star is a good worker I'll tell ya.

Ruby looks nice, I have been studying my Tarahiti Sunrise and Pam Howden because they are so similar and officially gave the nod to Tarahiti Sunrise.

Delhi, IA

Thanks Lenjo, They may only last one day but each day you have perfectly fresh flowers right in the patch. Bad storm overnight, tomorrows flowers won't even hint of it.

Delhi, IA

Serena joins the blooming.

Thumbnail by jamlover
Delhi, IA

I feel Hawaii will do better than this!!

Thumbnail by jamlover
Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Well, I sure hope so, LOL
But maybe the heat is diluting the color?
I know it is to be much pinker and prettier tho.
Can't wait for mine. But it better cool down for my pink to show thru too!

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