Propagating wave petunia??

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

anyone do cuttings of the wave petunia.....and if so should i start doing cuttings now for next springs plantings? i use ALOT of petunias in my yard and hate having to buy them every year.....can i propagate them from cuttings ?? do they need direct sunlight??

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

I was hoping you would get an answer from some one who knows,instead of me,because I really don't.What I do know,is they are prennial,and have a tuber,or bulb,as opased to the annual petunias,whitch only live once,or at least I was told.So I'm bumping this tread on up for an answer.Mike

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

No, there is no tuber or bulb. It is not considered a true perrenial, but it is very cold hardy and sometimes they will come back from the root sysytem, but not all the time.
The easiest way. I think to propagate Wavew petunias is by seed. They have a very high germination rate and germ within 7 days. I have never tried cuttings of them , but you could try. I would make sure that at least one node is above the dirt and 1-2 below the dirt. Mist/water once a day ( you could mist more than that, but not water.)

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

well in my axniousness to hear i just went ahead and did 12....root cuttings...will keep you posted!!!!

Gold Beach, OR(Zone 9a)

I have successfully rooted them a lot. I do them just as you would a fuchsia. I found the blue one, looks purple to me, and the pink are the easiest. And watch for seed, although they say the seldom put on seed, mine do a lot. If you look where the flower falls off, you wills see a small bud looking thing. Let it turn pale tan and pop it off, open it up, should have some brown or black seed in there. I do not know if they will come true with the seed, I have not planted the seed. Its so expensive to buy wave seed, I am going to save some this year.

Midway, TX(Zone 8b)

I'm interested in the wave petunias to. I have only have one and it is lavendar/purplish in color. I'm trying to watch it close for any seeds too.
Rebecca you are so right. The wave petunia seeds are expensive. If mine have any seeds at all I am going to plant them now. The wave petunias I have are in a pot with two red hibiscus. They look pretty together because the petunias trail all down around the pot. And they help hide the hibiscus stems.

Midway, TX(Zone 8b)

I went out and checked my wave petunia and I did find a few seed pod thingys. I had to really look good because the pods are so much smaller than regular petunias. The tiny seeds are probably finer than black pepper. Lucky I wore my glasses. lol I planted them in a pot so I'll wait and see if they germinate. I didn't plant the tiny seeds under the mix. I only sprinkled them on top so they do touch the soil mix.

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

well i looked at my cuttings last night...they have been in water one week and zip.....this may not work...but i am not patient enuf to look for seeds and try to do those....will keep all posted....

Midway, TX(Zone 8b)

Sticks just keep waiting a little longer. They may root yet. Do you change the water everyday? I'm rooting some stuff right now and I change the water daily. My wisteria has one tiny root I see today. So maybe I will get it to root after all.

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

i'm not given up....and i am rooting them in soil.....i seem to do better with i will keep on keepin on....thanks:)

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

I have read that they don't seed true, but if not, where does the seed come from that you buy? I'm going to lift my plants before they freeze, cut them back, and see if I can over winter them. They are expensive to buy, the they hold up so much better than regular petunias that I believe they are worth it. It's 103 here now, the regular P's are getting leggy and aren't blooming very well. The Waves are going gang busters, not a bare patch on them. I'll be watching for all of your trials, too.

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

i overwintered alot of plants last year in my house....kept them under lights and the petunias did make it thru the whole winter even tho i wasn;t trying to overwinter them per se...they were in a container that i was trying to save everything else...

as for the 'regular' pets...i have to cut mine way back 2 or 3 times in the spring and summer....i cut them back to about 3 inches and fertilize and watch out....they start coming back !!!

Duxbury, MA(Zone 7a)

I'm bumping this thread from last year to see if any of you did successfully overwinter your wave petunias.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

I saw Cindy's bump and can add that the pink and purple waves come true from seed...but that's the only help I can offer, but I look forward to seeing about the overwintering and the cuttings, too.

Rebeccanne, you said you successfully rooted them -- just like fuchsias, but I don't actually know what that means.


Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

This year I got some Tital Wave plugs from ebay and each plant got so big and leggy before time to go outside that I had to give all of them a haircut. I just took the cuttings and put them in flats under a dome and also under lights. They all rooted and pretty quick, about 5-7 days.

I've also noticed that I have some coming back from seed that I had in hanging baskets last year.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)


Thank you for posting! I started my petunias so late that I won't have a need for this, but next year I will try it.


Midway, TX(Zone 8b)

I had one little pink wave petunia in a pot with some other annual plants. I overwintered the whole pot and the wave petunia did come back. I'm so glad. It's a light baby pink in color. I doubt it would have come back if it had been in the ground. However I do have petunias in the ground that do come back every year from seed.

Woodway, TX(Zone 8a)

Has the patent run out on Wave petunias? If not, it would be illegal to share seed with anyone.

Green River, WY

I would not be illegal to share seeds from a wave petunia. Wave petunias are an F1 hybrid. The result from a Wave polinating with another petunia is an F2 hybrid. This F2 hybrid is in no way covered by the copywrite on Waves. Wow....some people worry about minutia.

McGregor, IA(Zone 4b)

There are new "black" petunias out this year, and they are only propagated from cuttings, so it must be possible. I am going to try various ways, probably not water. Yes they are probably propagation prohibited, but I think that just keeping plants for yourself is not a big deal. Maybe if you were selling them you you would want to look into the legal minutia. I want to try layering first; I will report back if I have any luck.

Duxbury, MA(Zone 7a)

I see I was part of this post in 2008, but since then I've tried it and was very successful. Like Brinda, I just took the cutting, ripped off the lower leaves, and stuck it in seed starting soil. It rooted very quickly, petunias were probably the easiest cuttings to root.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

Joannabanana is the petunia expert..maybe she's reading your post and will offer her advice. When you buy from E-Bay, are the plants from garden centers/nurseries or small growers? I'm not familiar with this practice but I'm not familiar with E-Bay so that doesn't count for my opinion! I'm computer challenged!

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