Eye Candy from Berkeley Hort

Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

Last week Kell, Zuzu and Calif_Sue and I all went nursery hopping. One that we love is Berkeley Hort http://www.berkeleyhort.com/ ~ always an amazing selection of plants!
Here are some Pel shots.

Thumbnail by begoniacrazii
Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

I'll just keep them coming

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Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)


Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

Duh, forgot to put the photo on here.

Thumbnail by begoniacrazii
Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

some more

Thumbnail by begoniacrazii
Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

and more...

Thumbnail by begoniacrazii
Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)


This one named 'Happy Violet'

Thumbnail by begoniacrazii
Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)


Thumbnail by begoniacrazii
Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

cant help but love this one. Picasso

Thumbnail by begoniacrazii
Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

another shot, but note the variation in color between the two blooms, this one has a lot more white.

Thumbnail by begoniacrazii
Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

another of Picasso

Thumbnail by begoniacrazii
Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

Last one, this doesn't nearly show the depth of the black in the petals. A Martha Washington type, Black Knight.

Thumbnail by begoniacrazii
Lilburn, GA

Oh Lali,thank you for the photos. I want them all!

Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

Girl I got one for you that was speckled but ...sigh.. alas it was not the bird egg. I'm still looking though!!!

You're welcome to any cuttings of mine that you want. Give a holler if you want me to make a list.
I did get a nifty new 'Apple blossom' hybrid. Neat burgundy on the foliage.

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

I had no clue Dave's even had a geranium forum. LOL. Lali girl, I am holding up my too hands with 2 fingers crossing saying you will not put a new hex on me.......... NO MORE INTEREST IN GERANIUMS!!! No matter how many great pictures you tempt me with.

I just can't take another load of plants here. You know I have been flirting with fuchsias and have looked around and suddenly I have about 25 of them. I had no clue I was buying them in such numbers

Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

Oh Kell..... lookie lookie...
I found an amazing butter cream colored pel today. Not white, not off white, but like buttah!

I can't describe it's color, except to say that I've seen a scabiosa that has similar coloring and it was amazing. This one actualy glows!

This one is huge, in a 5 gallon can

Thumbnail by begoniacrazii
Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

a few more shots, but sadly the color wasn't captured with my camera.

Thumbnail by begoniacrazii
San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

It is not glowing yet, Lali. LOL

Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

Goodness, those are lovely!

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Well, you know, this is just the pits, why couldn't I have settled somewhere where the nurseries are plentiful, NOOOO I have to settle where there isn't a darned good nursery within l00 miles of me. The pits I tell ya the pits, I just love those geranium picures, did you buy a bunch ?


Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

I bought a few from them but not on this trip since I got the ones I liked the previous trip. If I ever get caught up on my other trades, I'll be happy to send a few cuttings your way. I'm just way behind on other trades, weather here has been miserable and too hot to ship anything.

If I forget, just bug me.

Cali is good in the respect that we do have lots of great nurseries. Especially in the bay area!! And Kell knows them all, so she's a great gal to tag along with!! She's brought me to some great ones!!!

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I hear you there, i'm in the process of trading with another californian and we put it off for a while, she said it was like 110 or something like that maybe hotter, whew!

thanks for the offer, maybe we can trade this fall sometime

Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

It's better today, but was up near 115 the last few days. Yesterday was a pleasant 88 which is very weird since the day before was 110. Sigh, the weather... what to do. So yes, let's talk again in the fall.

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