Check out my Shasta Daisy

Au Gres, MI(Zone 5a)

My Shasta Daisy's are growing like crazy. I gotta believe its the Messenger I am using. They are taller then the fence now. Guess this year its time to divide them


Thumbnail by deann
Au Gres, MI(Zone 5a)

Here are some I cut this morning...


Thumbnail by deann
Hillsdale, MI(Zone 5b)

WOW!! thats the biggest clump of shasta daisy's I've ever seen. Those are gorgeous!

Au Gres, MI(Zone 5a)

Hi Kim

Want some?


Hillsdale, MI(Zone 5b)

Yes that would be wonderful! Can you think of something you'd like? I'll be digging some daylilies, iris, & daffodils here in the next month. Thank you so much.

Au Gres, MI(Zone 5a)

Kim......Maybe a named daylily would be nice.....I want to wait till they are done blooming before I divide them.....I will probably do it in August....that way it will give you lots of time for it to establish itself in your soil.

By the way....the Sum & Substance Hosta you gave me in the plant exchange is doing nicely...and loves its new home....


Hillsdale, MI(Zone 5b)

that would work good for me most of mine are in full bloom now.
Here is a picture of my lined out bed.

Thumbnail by bluektodd
Au Gres, MI(Zone 5a)!!!!!!


Hillsdale, MI(Zone 5b)

LOL and thats just one bed I have 4 more talk about addiction
Glad to hear Sum and substance is doing good. I just picked up a sport of S&S leaves are as big but slightly pointed on the ends and has a white edge also picked up a couple of mini's last month and we won't talk about the coop they're great but its terrible on plant addicts.

heres another pic of a bed behind the garage area trailor at the end I'm using for a potting shed it was given to us last year and who could turn it down.

Thumbnail by bluektodd
Bay City, MI(Zone 5a)

Hi Dee,
WOW, they sure are huge! I hope the ones you gave me get that huge of a flower!! I will have to put some messenger on them too when they start to bloom :)
Thanks again, tootsie

Au Gres, MI(Zone 5a) that Russian Sage I see growing in there among the lilies......


AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

Beautiful daisys Deann! Haven't we had a nice summer so far for growing stuff? Lots of rain. I love it.


Hillsdale, MI(Zone 5b)

yes its russian sage I have it in several places just to add a little color when the dl's aren't blooming. also have iris in the back rows of the beds in pictures and dwarf iris in the front. Its way more than I can keep up with and try to work too but I just love it when they all go into bloom it even covers the weeds lol.

Au Gres, MI(Zone 5a)

Hi Breanda.........hey how'd you make out in that storm. We lost power from around 8 pm to 4 in the morning. I would imagine your automatic generator kicked in.


AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

Hi Deann,

We didn't lose our power at all here which is surprising since we lose power so often. I really am glad we installed that propane stand by generator though. It is a Godsend when the power does go out. Nothing to do. It just comes on by itself and runs pretty much everything in the house.

If your power ever goes out just come visit over here OK? I'd love to see you.


Glennie, MI(Zone 5a)

Our power is still out ,, They are saying noon tomorrow. Power in Glennie ,but not here... I went out at 10 to 6 Monday night. Sure getting yard work done ,, At least the generator is keeping all the food from spoilling.
I have seen lots of new generators going by the house on the backs of pickups. I hope it comes on soon I need to do laundry....Aleta

Au Gres, MI(Zone 5a)

Brenda....thank you for the invite....however, we do have 2 generators....we have one we use strictly for the pump and the other for the house....


Au Gres, MI(Zone 5a)


I took a picture of the "Baby Sum & Substance" today that you gave me. Thought you would like to see how nice it is doing.


Thumbnail by deann
Hillsdale, MI(Zone 5b)

Looks like its doing good I'm so glad. I started some seeds off it and some other hosta's I had over the last few years but think I may have some showing color finally I'm kind of excited to see how they do. Thanks for letting me know

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Daisy flowers are one of my favorites but then again isnt every thing? in the garden that is.

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