Anyone raising a feeder pig ?

Claremore, OK(Zone 6a)

My son raised a couple in high school for his Ag class. He showed it and had a good time, then we sold it to a doctor and they said the meat was wonderful. It was a Duroc. The other one was a Hamp.

This is a common thing for the kids to do in this part of Okla. The school has an Ag Barn where they can be kept if you don't have a place at home. The kids can feed and water before school and then again after school, so it works nicely. Then on weekends, they attend the shows.

It was a great experience for the whole family. Now that the kids are all grown, I'm thinking of maybe getting a weaned piglett to feed out for slaughter. We now live in the country and have a place for one, but the kids are all grown, so it's going to be all ME this time. Do you think it will be harder than I remember ?

We have started raising our own chicken for meat and eggs, a nice garden, and now think we might like to expand the next step for a little pork for the table. Anyone out there doing this ? I'd like to hear how it's working for you.

We are trying to gain as much of a self sufficient farm lifestyle as possible for several reasons. One, being that we KNOW what we're getting IN our foods, and two, because we have the time and space to do it, so it's just a natural . Also, we save lots of money on food. When the kids all come and bring all the grandkids on Sunday, it's nice to know I have plenty in the freezer to make a nice big meal with very little concern about having enough. Farm life is good.

Anyone out there raising pigs on a small scale? I'd like to find a nice Duroc somewhere fairly close.

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