Stuttgart Cannas... trying to find some

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

I have been reading everything I can find on Canna plants. I have just planted some in my beds in the past two weeks. I have a perfect place I think to put some Stuttgart ones and now can't find any for sale at the nurseries. It seems they are seasonal for sale. I live in 7b area and can start rhyzomes now and expect them to do well until the end of October or November here. I have read that these burn easily but I have an area that only gets direct sunlight about 2 hours per day and the rest of the time is very bright indirect... do you think they will do well there. It is extremly hot... 95 to 100 daily and we are now lucky if it gets into the 70's at night. Watering is easy... I have 3 bubblers in that area. Any suggestions where I might find 3 good rhyzomes of these?

Lhasa Lover

... I also want them in this area to help keep my three Lhasa Apsos away from the fence. LOL

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

yup here you go ive bought from theam many times triple A paul

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

Thank you for the link. I don't think I can afford $18 for a single rhyzome... I need about 3. Guess I will have to wait until next year when they are 'in season'. My two tropicannas are really starting to grow well. Guess I will have to just enjoy them for now. These are such wonderful plants. I LOVE green things that grow. I guess that comes from living in the desert for most of my life. Tropical Green is not seen so much around here ... mostly it is a dark green to withstand the heat and sun. Now that I have started planting them, I see them everywhere. so far I have only seen the reds with dark green/ purple foliage, green with orange or yellow blooms. I am keeping my eyes open now to see what else others are growing here. It does not get cold for long here in the winter. The past 3 winters we have had a dusting of snow twice total. Not to say we can't get a good snow. Thanksgiving about 5 years ago, Odessa got 12"! Needless to say, my cannas will be well mulched this winter with cypress mulch to protect them no matter what. I am reading all of the posts everyone puts up and really enjoy the pictures. Can't wait till I have something to take pictures of too!

Odessa, TX

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