Need Help with honeybees, please.

Athens, GA

Hello Everyone,
I'm new to Dave's Garden. I have enjoyed reading your forum today. You all have such beautiful flowers and your gardens sound wonderful! It is very nice to meet all of you as I read your wonderful gardening posts!
I moved from a 60 acre farm, which afforded me all the rich lot dirt for my gardening that I could possibly use in a lifetime, to a one acre lot in a subdivision! At the farm I had a 10X12 glass greenhouse, an English Garden, an orchard, and perimiter gardens all around our brick patio and poolhouse. What on Earth was I thinking... Now gardening is really difficult...
Amazingly, the animals and insects are much more territorial here in the subdivision than on the farm! We have experienced everything from wild turkeys, fox, moles, bats, scorpions, centipeed, deer, and now honeybee invasions!
The honeybees have built a hive in the boxing of a gabled end over our patio beside the pool. This weekend we have workers who are doing some repairs and will very soon begin painting the whole house. I did not want to destroy the honeybees but have had no luck in locating a beekeeper interested in removing the brood. God Bless my sweet Husband, he is simply no Paul James in the yard. (Years ago, my uncle "anomously" stuffed our mailbox with brochures from the county extention agent on "How to Prune Fruit Trees" after Hubby Dear went way beyond Edward Scissorhands turning them into Giant Mushrooms with his handy chainsaw at our home on my childhood family farm!) I just know that he will dress up in 55 gallon black trashbags and duck tape, end up getting stung severly and falling 40 feet off the ladder if he attemps to solve our honeybee issues... The visual image is more than distressing!
Our Barrow County extention agent said it was late in the year for beekeepers to want to deal with a new brood since they would have to feed them over the winter and I have had no luck finding anyone interested in saving them. I have been told to use everything from soap and water, seven dust, to hornet and wasp spray to kill them and instructed to then get our workers to remove the boxing to clean the honeycomb and dead bees in order to avoid reinfestation from another brood and to avoid other pests and problems with the left honey.
I have contacted the Tara Beekeepers Association, near Atlanta; the East Georgia Beekeepers Association and the former president of the Georgia Beekeepers Association with no luck. That was after I contacted every local person who I knew might know someone who had experience with bees... Urban Wildlife of Metro Atlanta does not service Winder/Barrow County for Bee Removal...
Suggestions here would be very much appreciated. I am going to have to handle this before the Hefty-Lawn and Garden Man manifests himself on the ladder. Thanks Everyone! : )

Jonesboro, GA(Zone 7b)

How about an ad in the Market Bulletin? Either answering one, or placing one?

Lilburn, GA(Zone 7b)

The Georgia Farmers Market Bulliton list Beekeepers that remove bees. Look under the ADS section.

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