Harlequin Ladybird.

Gloucestershire, United Kingdom

Found my first Harlequin Ladybird today, rushed off for a suitable container to put it in, but, it scarpered! Anyone else spied this euro-invader yet?

Sheffield, United Kingdom(Zone 7b)

It's a pity it escaped, you'll have to look out for them now. Are we supposed to report sitings of them? I haven't seen any up in Yorkshire yet thank goodness, but we have lots of other types. My favourite this year is the orange ladybird with the cream spots.

Gloucestershire, United Kingdom

Yes, all sightings can be recorded on www.harlequin-survey.org. I believe the BBC nature website is conducting a similar survey

Thanks for that I didn't know about this one! I've not spotted one yet but now I know to keep my eye out.

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