May I Propogate from Natural Habitat?

Collingswood, NJ(Zone 6b)

When I was a kid I used to dig up wildflowers from the woods and fields and try to plant them in our yard. I was a kid and didn't know any better. I now know that native plants and flowers should be left in their native habitat. My question is, is there any leeway here? May I take a milkweed seed pod? May I take a wood cutting of a native viburnum? I haven't done it, but every morning when I walk my dog around the neighborhood lake, I wonder about it.

I think there is leeway providing the plant isn't endangered or threatened. I believe it is always best to get permission first though. I have never been denied. It may take a while to track down the owner of the property but you'll feel a lot better if you go this route.

Collingswood, NJ(Zone 6b)

Yes, that's why I thought I'd ask here. I'm pretty sure it belongs to the Borough of Collingswood, where I live. A quick trip to the town hall would answer that question. There are quite a few viburnums around the lake. I believe I've identified V. acerifoliium, V. cassinoides, and V. dentatum.

Thanks, E.


Viburnum cuttings should be softwood. You might be a little bit too late to take those types of cuttings. Generally it is best to go for new growth cuttings to propagate in mid June. I can tell you from experience it will be very difficult to root a woody cutting.

Three very nice native Viburnum though. I particularly like cassinoides.

Collingswood, NJ(Zone 6b)

I like cassinoides myself. I figured I would probably have to wait for soft wood but wasn't sure. Thanks.

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

May I take a wood cutting of a native viburnum? I haven't done it, but every morning when I walk my dog around the neighborhood lake, I wonder about it....There are quite a few viburnums around the lake. I believe I've identified V. acerifoliium, V. cassinoides, and V. dentatum.

To be truly in the clear, get permission from the local borough AND send semi-hardwood cuttings to the Ohio River valley region clearinghouse for Viburnum propagation.

Viburnums can be rooted from softwood, semi-hardwood, and dormant hardwood cuttings, and from division, depending on the species and your propagation regime. The time of year that the condition of the cutting occurs varies widely with weather conditions and the condition of the stock plant. You could cut a viburnum to the ground in May/June in order to generate softwood cuttings in August.

Just keep an eye on the prize you have in mind; once permissions are achieved, look for the stems that suit you and give it a shot. And don't forget us collectors at DG...

Collingswood, NJ(Zone 6b)

Sorry to be dense VV, but I am fairly new to all this and am not familiar with the Ohio River Valley Regional Clearinghouse. Why should I send a semi-hardwood cutting to them?

I have only ever propagated from softwood cutting. Perhaps I'll try a semi-hardwood cutting from Viburnums in my yard and see how it goes.

If I get permission, you'll be the first to know!

Look at his user name... I think that says it all. He be da Viburnum Man!

I'd try to go for softwood cuttings unless little Mr Sweetheart coughs up some of his fail proof propagation secrets. I do have a RainForest 318 and could go for other cuttings now but I did bomb out miserably on the dormant hard wood cuttings. Poor me, they all shriveled up and died.

And no, I am not going to butch any of my plants to ground level to create more softwood cuttings. Forget it! No way! No how! Those are my babies.

Collingswood, NJ(Zone 6b)

Dang, VV, it's not nice to tease us naive newbies. I googled "Ohio River valley region clearinghouse" to see if I could find more information on this organization. I got the Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission, the ORV Planning Commission, etc. I even did a search of threads you started using "Ohio River Valley Region Clearinghouse" to see if you had given more information there. LOL Yes, I feel silly.

I owe you one.

He really knows his stuff. He may not have bookmarked this thread but if he doesn't post here again, just D-Mail him because he isn't stingy with his knowledge and experience and he will try to help you.

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)



Guess I should've posted a disclaimer (got to get that website up...thanks for the idea). I thought my last sentence above...was a big HINT.

I would've said, "Welcome aboard!" except that it looks like you've been around a lot longer than me. Unfair claim of newbie-ness.

Feel free to berate me to your hearts content; there won't be any shortage of opportunity. Canvass the opinions of terryr (aka Wild Raisin), levilyla (the grand dame of palmately compound plant ID-ness), and the aforementioned EQ (whom you can't trust as far as you can throw her; she likes cats, if you can believe it).

Give as good as you get, as long as you can tie it back into the plants/thread, and silliness earns extra points. Nicknames are good too.

Still got a shot at cuttings?

And pray tell why haven't you renamed Fireweed87 yet? You've renamed just about everybody else so don't quit now.

Say John, Trista died. I got a new cat. His name is Eli. We've been calling him "Small Head", he's slightly overweight.

Collingswood, NJ(Zone 6b)

I signed up as a non-paying member a few years ago and only looked at the plant files. Only paid my membership dues and started looking at the forums a few weeks ago so I claim newbie status.

Got two fat cats myself, E. My husband calls Sophie, Sofa.

VV, I went to the borough hall today and they want my request in writing, listing which plants I'd like to clip. Once I get permission I'll email you for your address and send you cuttings. However, I've never sent cutting in the mail before. I'm assuming I should wrap them in wet paper towels and put them in a plastic bag? Once we get that far, maybe you'll give me more professional instructions. I hear you da man.


Sofa is a cute name.

Panama, NY(Zone 5a)

Just a note about the cuttings, I've found that if you wrap them in very wet newspaper and then plastic, they actually stay wet. Something about the paper towels seems to dry out

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Use the funnies too; sometimes I don't get the east coast versions.

Bureau County, IL(Zone 5a)

Feel free to berate me to your hearts content; there won't be any shortage of opportunity. Canvass the opinions of terryr (aka Wild Raisin)

Do you really want me to go there? Really??

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

You don't need to go there; you dun ben, overtime.

You're the archetype, trail blazer, pattern book, template, blueprint, master plan, pioneer, first-one-in's-a-rotten-egg, vanguard, founder, epitome, pilgrim, manifest destiny.

If anyone needs a tutor, they should consult you. That's all I'm sayin'.

Bureau County, IL(Zone 5a)

Me?? You need to go read thru a few of your posts John as to who is the archetype, trail blazer, pattern book, template, blueprint, master plan, pioneer, first-one-in's-a-rotten-egg, vanguard, founder, epitome, pilgrim, manifest destiny.

If anybody needs a tutor, you're da man. And that's all I'm saying.

Me thinks you two have done gone slap happy on me.

Collingswood, NJ(Zone 6b)

Will wrap cuttings in funnies, Prince Valiant.

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Someone had to burn up the pages of their Thesarus on that day of joining the mutual admiration society. :^))))

I'm a lucky one. I am propagating Florida Natives on and winthin my own property. I have 5 acres and have only been here living since Dec '05. I am finding all kinds of new plants and learning they are natives.

The really good thing is, if they are already growing here, they like it here (the dry pine wooded sand hill that I sleep on) and if I move, cut or start more of the same plants in MY location of choice (within my 5 acres) then the plants should be perfectly happy.

I have even gone to Native Plant sales and bought more of the same to fill in the spaces between the sand grains.

I was on my way to start another thread about a new wild plant I found here................3 hours ago. Let me see if I can quit getting distracted and do it now.

Thanks for permitting me to butt in here.


Collingswood, NJ(Zone 6b)


You are, indeed, the lucky one. I would love to have 5 acres instead of my 1/4 acre lot in the suburbs of Philadelphia. Someday . . .
Til then, I'm not complaining, I enjoy my little spot and am doing my best to "go native" and garden for wildlife. Sounds like you're doing the same.

Good luck to you!


Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Thanks Sherry, right back at cha!!!


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