My seeds

Have some purple money seeds, white rock cress, pastel cosmos, morning glories, diantus, green beens, orange/burgandy sunflowers, and of course many marigolds.
I am most interested in cosmos for trade and possibly mixed colored four o clocks.

Brooklet, GA(Zone 8a)

Hi, I have orange cosmos and four o'clocks either one to trade for pastel cosmos, let me know if interested

Circleville, OH(Zone 8b)

Hi Holly

I should have some 4:00 soon, I would love some of the orange/burgendy sunflower and Dianthus.
What colors of marigolds do you have? Do you have white marigolds?
Let me know.
Thanks Mike

Knoxville, TN(Zone 6a)

Hi, I would love to trade for your pastel cosmos. I've got yellow and orange cosmos, coreopsis tinctoria and early sunrise, dames rocket and hollyhocks pinks. Interested? Please let me know. Thanks, SOOOOZ.

Hi all replies!
Does anyone have double cosmos? They have two layers of petals? Any other colors besides orange and yellow?

Glasgow, KY(Zone 6a)

Hi Holly!

We have a couple of colors of cosmos growing in our flower bed right now that we should soon be harvesting seed from. One is a light almost lilac color, and the other is a much deeper, richer color-almost a burgandy. Both of the colors have a pinkish hue to them. They are stunning! We only have a very few at this point but would be willing to share some of the harvested seed soon for some of your pastel colored cosmos. Please e-mail us if interested!


Janet (turtlewoman) and Pete (sourdough Pete)

Santa Cruz, CA(Zone 9b)

Is this MY Holly from New Jersey? Wanting to know..Heidi in Santa Cruz

Brewster, NY(Zone 6a)

Hi Holly,

I have the pink, purple, white Cosmos (Sensation) commercial seed from '10 and saved seed from the same plus Gazebo mix, which has more red. The OP might give more interesting colors if you're game.

I also have a crazy mix of OP Sunflowers--now third generation--that include Mammoth, Teddy Bear, reds, multi-headed yellows, some funky small-eyed ones, etc.

I'd be interested in your rock cress and your dianthus depending on variety and how hardy it is (I need perennials for my new house with a HUGE, BARE yard!)


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