Jack In The Pulpit

Appleton, WI

I love these plants & have just acquired some seeds. The package gives lengthy, detailed instructions of how to grow them. I realize it is late in the summer & may wait until early next year to start them but still the pack says that once they germinate the seedlings should be separated into 3" pots & kept in the greenhouse for another year!
Any ideas would be appreciated.

Colts Neck, NJ(Zone 7a)

Lawnfairy, this thread was on the Indigenous Plants forum and may help you. These are not the easiest plants to start indoors (for me anyway), and take forever to germinate. Once they are blooming, however, they self-seed so prolifically l that I dont bother anymore. Best of luck to you.


edited to fix link

This message was edited Jul 17, 2006 3:05 PM

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