self-watering containers and clematis?

Marble Hill, NY(Zone 6a)

Has anyone tried this? Do they really keep the soil moist enough for the clematis?

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9b)

In New York you have a problem keeping pots watered? LOL Sorry, coming from such a different perspective :-)

The self watering pots are a breeding ground for mosquitos. There are "soil moist" crystals for use in pots to keep things from getting too dry. I haven't tried them myself, but have heard very good things.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Well heck. I've been very careful with changing the water in my birdbath and getting rid of other standing water in my yard. I never even thought of my self-watering planters. Duh!

Thanks for the heads-up. Not sure what I'll do about it. Have to put on my thinking cap.

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9b)

Then I'm glad I spoke up, Winging :-) Thanks for listening!

Marble Hill, NY(Zone 6a)

NYC may get several inches of rain per month during the summer but it is usually in two or three heavy storms the rest of the time it is high heat, which makes my container plants fairly unhappy. I'm also next to tall apartment buildings so I have a weird micro-climate.

But azreno makes a good point about the mosquitos which I wouldn't have thought about, so thank you. I'll check out the crystals you mentioned.

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9b)

LOL Jxmas, I always assume that pots get handwatered, there's no other way they would get it here. Hope the crystals work for you!

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

maybe you could put bits of "mosquito dunk" in the water holding part of the container? This is my first season gardening in the desert, and as we are in the Dog Days of Summer, I, too, am desparate for anything that will keep any of my plants alive for the next few months until it cools off (before it freezes :-) Good luck!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

I thought about that. I've got some that I used to use in my birdbath. I think something kept trying to eat it, as it would disappear in a matter of hours. Now I just change the water everyday in the birdbath. I'll check the label and see if I can try that without hurting the plants. The other thought I had was to try to develop some kind of seal or plug for the watering hole.

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