Mango growth flushes

Fulton, MO

I'm gonna love this new forum. Question...

I have two mangos, Carrie and Cogshall. The Carrie I got last fall, the Cogshall this spring. Both are in a raised GH bed with loam, well amended with peat and compost.

Weird thing is, the plant I got last fall just sat there for months. It sent out a bloom spike this spring, then nothing. No growth at all until finally this past week, the first week of July.

The mango I got this spring started a growth flush before the older mango. Heck, my lychee started its third flush of growth before this mango started its first.

What's up? Is this typical of mangos?


Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

I have no idea myself except to guess that different cultivars grow at different rates, and maybe respond to different temps. I do know that in Hawaii all the different kinds of mangos would go off at different times, so there was always mangos to be had. I have a fondness for the Hayden mango myself because its so big, there is a lot to eat at once. Some of the different ones are pretty small.

I have always wanted to name one of my boys Hayden, but never won that one. Then I tried for one of the dogs and didn't have success there either... is it really that funky of a name?? lol

Citra, FL

I would love to get a mango tree. Do you have to have 2 of them for pollination or are there varieties that self polinate?

Bradenton, FL(Zone 9b)

Hi halo

Citra is a bit north for mangoes so you may to protect them in the winter. You do not need two mango trees to produce fruit. There are many new cultivars, with many of them falling into the condo or dwarf category. These trees grow naturally small and can pruned to a desired size. They will even grow and fruit in a container.


This is fairly normal for mangoes. First they flower and fruit. If the tree did not hold any of their fruit, then the blossom falls off and that is where the new growth starts. I have a couple Nam Doc Mia and a Rosigold mango and they all have had new growth recently. These trees are only a few years old and I had several mangoes on the Rosigold but they got knocked off when they were baseball size… Oh well there is always next year.


Fulton, MO

DW, thanks. SB

Tri-Cities, WA(Zone 7b)

Where did you buy your mangos? I've been wanting to get a couple myself.

Fulton, MO

Pine Island. I have not been disappointed with this nursery. Here is the mango viewer:

Bradenton, FL(Zone 9b)

Here is a picture of my small Nam Doc Mai. I took this picture last week. The light brown leaves are the new growth.


Thumbnail by dwallace59
Fulton, MO

By any chance, dwallace, do you have deer? :-P

Bradenton, FL(Zone 9b)


No I do not have deer only squirrels and I have not had much of problem with them. There are not many deer in this area and my yard is entirely fenced in. The only problem I’ve had with the squirrel is with my palm seedling which the rip out of the pots

We just pick a couple of pounds of Thompson seedless (not) grapes last night. I half expected to see them picked over but it looks like we go most of them. We have been pretty fortunate with the local wild life. I have a hedge of wax myrtles and simpson stoppers which the birds love.


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