They Jumped into my Shopping Cart

Mandeville, LA(Zone 9a)

A cool sansievra.

Thumbnail by NematanthusNut
Mandeville, LA(Zone 9a)

Jatropha (Buddha's Belly)

Thumbnail by NematanthusNut
Mandeville, LA(Zone 9a)

This one's not new but she's blooming so prettily that I thought I'd share.

Thumbnail by NematanthusNut
Utica, MI(Zone 6b)

very nice N.....I have had that problem before, there is always a little guy in the stores that are jumping in my cart too......LOL here are a couple of the ones who leapt for their lives.....

Thumbnail by houseplntjunkie
Utica, MI(Zone 6b)

this is what I have done with least a few......but if you want, I can share a ton......

Thumbnail by houseplntjunkie
Utica, MI(Zone 6b)

gee......that was just the are the rest......

Thumbnail by houseplntjunkie
Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

I would be seriously scared if this dude jumped into my cart!

Thumbnail by podster
Mandeville, LA(Zone 9a)

Hey Podster...isn't it just the grooviest ever??? I love him! And Junkie...I love your Baby Toes! I turned some into mush just this year. Succulents shrink away in terror if I even look in their direction. I have had good luck with Stapelias lately but nothing else in the cactus family. Please do share the rest with us!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

What is that?! Way cool!!

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Thank you Nem, and yes, I agree with the stapeliad. They are quite agreeable.
Chantell, that is the same sanseviera that Nem posted first, S. cylindrica. It is just huge as it is vintage.

Utica, MI(Zone 6b)

I have so many faves to show off.......LOL......this one, mom just cant get to bloom......It is a personal challenge for me to get mine to bloom so I can gloat......LMBO

Thumbnail by houseplntjunkie
Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Beautiful Blooms, beautiful plants, Bad child, shame, shame, shame.... ; ^ }

Utica, MI(Zone 6b)

I love succulents.....but I dont always have luck with them....I have a burros tail that I keep fighting with.......this is what it used to look like.....

Thumbnail by houseplntjunkie
Utica, MI(Zone 6b)

this is it now........

Thumbnail by houseplntjunkie
Utica, MI(Zone 6b)

and one more bloomer.....the one in the middle is sad looking cause it is finishing its blooming.....

Thumbnail by houseplntjunkie
Utica, MI(Zone 6b)

but I guess I should show you the middle in bloom purty.....

Thumbnail by houseplntjunkie
Mandeville, LA(Zone 9a)

Those are beautiful. That is the bluest violet that I've ever seen. I've never been real good with the succulents but down here with this heat and humidity, I've turned them all into a gelatinous goo. It's so sad. It makes me feel guilty so I quit buying them.

Utica, MI(Zone 6b)

thanks.......and thanks for letting me show them off....

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