Some fun vines

Athens, OH

I started collecting some passion flowers.
My incarnata, which should be hardy, hasn't bloomed yet but I do like this tropical one - Incense.

Thumbnail by rox_male
Athens, OH

Or how about this one? P. caerulea.

Thumbnail by rox_male
Athens, OH

I also like this clematis. C. texensis 'Duchess of Albany'

Thumbnail by rox_male
New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Hi Rox,
Can you tell me where you got that clematis? I have been looking for one of those.

Athens, OH

NC at Big Bloomers.
Supposedly clematis are easy to propagate from cuttings) but I am not good at it!
Is anyone out their good at propagating these?


New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Rox...can you give me a link to that website? I can't seem to get it? Thanks!

Athens, OH

Regretfully, they do not have an Internet business at this point.
I used to live there, so I now I drive there every Spring to get plants.

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Wellllllll..gee whiz! I guess next spring ..when u drive there ..u will have to get me!! I probably won't even remember by then!

Athens, OH

I will, but I am hoping someone can tell me how to propagate it!
On the vine forum I found out how to take a cutting, add rooting hormone, pot it and cover it with a humidity dome. But....I kill them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They wilt, mold, and die!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Sounds like too much humidity.
Robyn did the first three steps. No dome and in the shade.


Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I wish...I wish...I never had planted Maypop passiflora, at least not in my flower bed. It is *everywhere* I don't want it. Four years back, I had no idea it spread like it does. Six, seven feet away from the main plant, up come sprouts in the yard. At least those we can mow down; the sprouts in the flower bed are impossible to control much. It's so pretty, but doesn't play well with others.

Athens, OH

Yikes! I'll try to keep the Maypop in control and maybe I'll stick more to the tropicals in the pots!

RE: Clematis. OK, I'll try it to root the clematis w/o the humidity dome. Wish me and the poor cuttings well!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Gardenwife is right! It will take over! But......if you keep cutting and pulling can kill it. That's what I did! Then I put it in a pot!!!
Good luck on the clematis Rox!!

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I will have to start pulling and cutting again, then. I started a bed around the base of a big trumpet vine I trained into a standard...Another dumb move. We'd kept it in check by mowing the area, and now it is sending up runners. *sigh* Our intention was to phase into lower maintenance beds. LOL

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