yellow bean leaves

Alpine, TX(Zone 7b)

Any one - why do bean leaves on the lower part of the plant turn yellow and fall off? I never grew beans anywhere when this did not happen. The upper part of the plant produces all right, and new leaves form down below to replace the lost ones. Is it a disease? Or is it normal?

Yes. I am having this issue. I was afraid it was disease related (could be drought) so I'm removing all discolored leaves, and getting rid of anything that has fallen. My beans are producing beautifully and making new leaves so I'm not too worried (plus we are getting rain once a week now!!).

Good luck!


Alpine, TX(Zone 7b)

Dear girlgroupgirl -

Well, I guess I won't worry, but maybe it's a good idea to get rid of those leaves right now. Though I don't want to go outside - the thermometer is showing 105 degrees. It's in the sun, so maybe the reading is a little high, still it's got to be horrific out there. And talk about drought!!


hey, I don't blame you for not wanting to go out. It's only 95 here but like 150% humidity. Thankfully we are getting occassional rains now. My biggest problem with beans in July & August is always rust as soon as it gets hot and humid and droughty. I have been growing yard long beans for a few years now to suppliment the bush beans because they don't seem to get any disease. Plus they are pretty! I grow them on cheapo archway trellises from the discount store.


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