Salvia Seeds for Salvia Seeds:)

Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

Hello Everybody,

I am chasing certain salvia seed & have other salvia seed to trade, Somewhere out in this big wide world I am hoping someone grows them and loves them like me & would like to trade:

Heres to hoping:)

Salvia seed I am after:

Salvia Cadmica
Salvia Dominica
Salvia Ex Pamirs (Got)
Salvia Interrupta
Salvia Koyamae
Salvia Nipponica(Got)
Salvia Patens White(Got)
Salvia Phlomiodes
Salvia Recurva
Salvia Regeliana(Got)
Salvia Ringens
Salvia Shannonii
Salvia Stepposa(Got)
Salvia Tachiei
Salvia Tomentosa
Salvia Urica(Got)
Salvia Virgata(Got)
Salvia Yunnanensis

Salvia Seed I have to trade:

Salvia Algieriensis
Salvia Candelabarum
Salvia Clevelandii
Salvia Desoleana
Salvia Disermas Pink
Salvia Disermas White
Salvia 'El Cielo Blue'
Salvia Lanigera
Salvia Moorcroftiana
Salvia Nubicola
Salvia 'Pseudo Nutans'
Salvia Regla
Salvia Roborowskii
Salvia Runcinata
Salvia Staminea
Salvia Stenophylla
Salvia Nilotica
Salvia Ulignosa

Have a Great Day Annette

This message was edited Aug 14, 2006 2:04 PM

Hi Annette,

Welcome to DG!!

I wish I had some of the ones you are looking for, I shall keep my eyes open for these species for you.


Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

Hi Joseph,

Thanks for welcoming me and keeping watch:)

Cheers Annette

Centennial, CO(Zone 5b)

I have a purple-leaved salvia (salvia lyrata, Purple KnockOut) seeds. Makes and OUTSTANDING full-sun xeric border plant where huechera or other dark-leaved plants would not survive.

Will trade for cuttings or rooted cuttings of heirloom roses or other interesting salvias.

Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

Hi Greenjay,

I will be happy to exchange seeds with you, i cant help with cuttings with me being in Australia though:)


Centennial, CO(Zone 5b)

annette, send me a dmail with a list of what you have to exchange.

Wake Forest, NC(Zone 7b)

It seemed to me that the above seed list talked about some cultivars that probably won't come true from seeds. Am I wrong on that? I am just sprouting some salvia seeds from Lowes or Home Depot in hopes that I can nurture them over winter and have some new azure flowers next summer. I don't seem to be having any trouble so far. Is there anything i should know?

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