Another Place for Equilibrium to Spend Money

Elburn, IL(Zone 5a)

I was visiting a friend's cabin this past weekend, and it turns out to be just down the road from J&J Aquatic Transplants. WoW! They have a wonderful selection of native pond/water plants(and others too) at great prices. I came home with over 300 plants for my pond. Huge plants, great roots, low price--what more could one want! I added water shield, arrow arum, arrowheads, a couple bulrushes, rushes, sweet flag, and water plantain to my pond. Get your checkbook ready Equil. They do ship, but if I make another trip up there with the truck, I will let you know.

You are a very bad boy. Haven't you separated me from enough of my money yet?

This time I must admit I am feeling sort of safe as I have all the plants you rattled off. But... I'm sure I could find a few things so where's their list or a link to their website. I feel the need to check it out.

Was that the Water Shield native to our area- Brasenia schreberi?

Oh this isn't looking good for me. I already feel the my checkbook screaming at me. This is not good at all.

Elburn, IL(Zone 5a)

Yep, that's Brasenia schreberi. It's know to exist at only a single spot here in Kane County(now 2! :)). Their website is down at the moment. It is(was) as Phone number is 715-256-0059 to call for a catalog/price list. I didn't even get into the 23 different sedges, 8 rushes, 9 different bulrushes, Nuphars, Nymphaeas, burreeds, water meal, wild rice, etc. etc. There are hundreds of different species there. Some are available only by seed, but I will take seed of some of the plants that exist in only single colonies in the state of Illinois. It's worth a try.

I knew it! I just knew that was going to be Brasenia schreberi gosh darnitall. I am looking for a particular Nuphar and also a particular Nymphaea but that's it for me at this time of year. Although I may try seed. Eeek. You did this to me. What's worse is that I doubt seriously if I will only order what I need when I get on the site.

Hmm, page not found. Did you by any chance save their list to your hard drive and could you forward it to me?

Elburn, IL(Zone 5a)

Sorry Equil--I only have the paper catalog--I could copy the price list and fax it to you--its only about 8 pages. Are you looking for Nuphar advena? Nuphar lutea? Nuphar microphylla? Nuphar rubrodisca? Nymphaea odorata? Nymphaea tuberosa?

Nymphaea odorata ssp. tuberosa
Nelumbo lutea (pale form)

Oops, just checked my notes and it wasn't Nymphaea that I wanted (needed) but the white flowering form of Nelumbo lutea.

There are other things I lust for though. That's just the tip of the iceberg.

Can you scan that and e-mail it? A cat puked in the fax machine and it hasn't worked in a month or so. I keep meaning to take that in and fix it but I keep forgetting.

Elburn, IL(Zone 5a)

Nelumbo lutea is in there too---no scanner here. Call them and have them send you a catalog and price list.

Will do!

But wait, are you going to that conference this weekend? If you are, bring me a copy please.

Elburn, IL(Zone 5a)


I can't make it, but I am giving a copy of the price list to Guy, so make sure you hit him up for it.

Spoil sport! You were supposed to go.

Yes, I'll see him. It sounds like he has a hotel room for tonight. You don't by any chance know if he has a hotel room for tomorrow night too do you? I know a few people are going to the Friday night portion as well as to the activities on both Saturday and Sunday while others are just doing Friday and Saturday, a few are able to do both Saturday and Sunday (me), while most are only doing a Saturday or just a Sunday. If he does have a room for both nights, I need to borrow his hotel room tomorrow night for about 15 minutes.

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Now, EQ, that last post really makes you come off sounding cheap.

Guy has his reputation to uphold (you know, oak, age, longevity, and all that).

Oh no, I need a place to change so I don't have to drive all the way home. My husband forgot to tell me about a company party that we need to attend that is Saturday night. I just need a place to change or else I'm going to have to leave the conference early to make it all the way home and then down into Chicago or I'm going to have to overdress to go to the conference.

I didn't say I wanted him in the hotel room! I said I wanted to borrow his hotel room for 15 minutes. He'd vacate his room to let me change clothes.

I got the price list!


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