Blackberry, Dewberries, Wild plums and Wild Cherry

Covington, GA

I live in Covington, Ga. I have picked the blackberries and plums from along side the road for jelly and jam and pastry filling for about 6 yrs now. Im wondering how can you tell about the wild cherries. There are 2 trees next to a shop on public property that have all the signs of cherries but I cant be sure is there anyone out there that can tell me how I cant tell. The blackberries are in but going out now I have a freezer full put you can find them that are hidden from the evening sun. This yr the berries didnt get enough rain so very small but the Dewberries are in and everywhere. Diff between the blackberries and dewberries are the size...blackberries are way smaller and dewberries are 3 times bigger and fatter. Dewberries are sweeter also. Hope some reads this. Cathy

Jonesboro, GA(Zone 7b)

Oh, my goodness. What memories you bring back. We picked wild blackberries and dewberries when I was a kid, and it was wonderful. The few times I've attempted it here in Georgia, DH thought I was nuts (city boy). Then I started having the worst luck. Once I strained an ankle and got chiggers, and another time I was bitten by a brown recluse trying for those hidden berries. Expensive berries, hubby said, after my trip to the ER the next day (you don't know right away that you've been bitten, but the next day you have black area[s] where the flesh has died--day 3 is where trouble really starts.) I've given up, and just buy berries, or go to the u-pick-em places. A friend showed me wild cherries growing at stone mountain long ago, but I failed to ask him to educate me on their identification. Sorry. They were pretty sour, anyway. Hope somebody else can answer your questions, but thanks for the post. Funny how even those bad memories turn into good ones with a bit of time. I wouldn't take any of it back! Sheila

Oh yes, we use to stop by the road when I was growing up and pick berries and plums also. I'm not familiar with the cherries, either, though ... but it sure did bring back memories for me also. :-)

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