Got most of my stuff now what

Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

I have been collecting plants, charcoal, and all sorts of stuff to make my terrarium. Last night I got the final part, the hood with the florusecent light. Now what I need to know is exactly how to put my rocks, charcoal, and soil in the bottom. What kind od soild do you reccomend? I want to do this right so I would appreciate any information you can give me.


DC metro, VA(Zone 7b)

I recommend sterilized soil. Really. I think that's the most important part.

I'm settling on a mix that is about as light as what I'd use for wicking. I don't use rocks and charcoal, but instead use semihydroponic medium on the bottom, so no suggestions there.

I have to set mine up too! I finally carried the acquarium up to my office yesterday and it's sitting in the corner on the floor for now.

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Maybe this link will help.
It lays it out step by step. You can print it or read it as you need to.It helped me out the first time with mine.

I agree with Key...zap that soil in the oven or microwave...mushrooms are cute but a pain.:)

Be sure to post your pics...


Orlando, FL

When you heat the soil in the oven, does it sell a lot? I have parrots in my house and they are very sensative to smells and chemicals. I don't want to kill off my birds if the soil is going to give off a really strong smell and chemicals when heated.

DC metro, VA(Zone 7b)

A soil-less mix does not smell much. It also helps to bake it in a sealed bag (like the oven-safe turkey bags, or just make a packet with foil). Start with damp potting mix and bake at something like 275/325 for a few hours.

Or you can microwave it in small batches.

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