White Mimosa, think I found one

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

I don't remember where it was posted but someone said they saw a white Mimosa grow near a highway. I have someone a couple of streets away from me seem to have a white one. If I see him out in the yard I'll try to catch him and see what exactly that is. The tree is to close to his house for me to just invite myself over and grab seeds. LOL. Looks like a mimosa and it has white flowers but I can't get close enough to see if their just a light shade of pink. I'm 99% sure it's a mimosa and 90% sure it has white flowers. Anyone know if that's really uncommon?

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

http://davesgarden.com/forums/t/611849/ here is one thread talking about a white mimosa.

i know here we have whats a look alike to a mimosa but with white type flowers but up close the flowers are clusters and different. the leaves look the same but far away it does look like a white mimosa. might have to get a pic of it the next time i go by it

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

I went by the house again today but it didn't look like anyone was home. Tomorrow I'm bringing a camera and go knock on the door. If no one is home I'll get a picture of it or if their home I'll probably still get a picture of it. With my luck an axe murder will there. LOL. It's set back about 100 ft from the street so I can't get a good look at it.

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