Aristolochia elegans?!!!

St. Paul, MN(Zone 4b)

Hello All.

I keep an eye on the Aristolochia offerings on eBay.

For the last few weeks, someone on eBay has been advertising this as a print of Aristolochia elegans. I have emailed them twice to advise that it is NOT a print of A. elegans. It appears to me to be some sort of lily, perhaps a daylily? No response, and no change in the item description.

I just got a chuckle out of this.


P.S. Just to emphasize and make crystal clear, this is not my picture. I copied and pasted it off of eBay.

Thumbnail by ErickMN
Mesa, AZ(Zone 9b)

Wow! What an X*$(! That's a rain lily BTW Tell him that.

Denver, CO

Ditto the Arizonite.
Zephryanthes grandiflora if a print can be IDed. Why would they go throught the trouble of putting down a latin name if it was no where near the plant? Why, that's false advertizing.
(I can guess who might buy a print of an actual A. elegans...)

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Googling plant images turn up the same sort of crazy IDs. Worth a laugh but scary to think about the uninformed trying to get a clear picture!


St. Paul, MN(Zone 4b)

Kenton and Robert,

I agree completely with both of you. I understand that people make mistakes, but they should be willing to correct them if they are politely informed of the error.

Kenton, your guess on the potential purchasher of an A. elegans print is probably most correct....


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