Wilting Bower Vine (Pandorea Jasminoides 'Alba')

Los Angeles, CA(Zone 10a)

I recently planted this vine on an entry-arbor along with some Pink/Winter Jasmine. The Jasmine is doing quite fine; however, the Bower Vine is clearly struggling and I am hoping to find some guidance. The plant is in full sun (which it should love) but our soil is definitely on the desert-clay side and probably not as well draining as this plant would like. It is very wilty, yet new growth is occurring. Is this a common response for a recent transplant? Could it be a sign of over-watering? Under-watering? The plant is neither yellowing nor turning black, just extremely wilty. Help!

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

Are you in zone 10? I have 3 of them planted in pots climbing the legs of my arbor. They have been there a few years now & seem to really like it. I had read they were full sun plants and was expecting them to be unhappy on the east side of the house only getting morning sun, but they thrive. I also have to water them every day, they are BIG drinkers. But I have them in potting soil, not clay. Hopefully someone that has these in the ground can tell you about that. Wow, that was the long way around to saying I think maybe they are getting too much sun. LOL
We have been triple digits and it is usually hotter down your way, so that would be my suspicion.

Los Angeles, CA(Zone 10a)

Yup, zone 10. The nursery had them growing very nicely in full sun; however, the nursery is also located a bit closer to the coast and a few degrees cooler than our home. We have been in the upper 80s to low 90s with just a couple days reaching into triple digits. The plants are growing on the east-side of our property where they currently recieve direct summer-sun from approximately 8:00am to 4:00pm. After that the sun passes behind the house and the plants are in bright shade until sunset.

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

hmm, if your temps have been that low then heat is probably not it. Shoot , I sure wish I could help you. Have you asked at the nursery where you got them to see if anyone else has had a problem with their bower vines?
It might just have to be a "wait and see" issue. You should see a change one way or the other within a couple of weeks. Good luck, hopefully in a couple of weeks it will have snapped out of it. :~)

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I think a well-established plant would be able to handle that amount of heat with no problem, but since yours are newly planted, if you have a number of days like that and the sun beating down on them all day long it could be a little too much. With young plants that don't have well developed roots yet, the root systems are often not capable of taking up the amount of water that the plant needs, so because of that it wilts during the day when the sun's on it (but will often perk up again overnight when it gets cooler). Of course when people see a plant wilting, the instinct is to water it more, but in many cases there's already plenty of water in the soil, the plant just isn't able to take up enough of it, then when you add more water the roots rot. Symptoms of over and under watering are very similar, to figure which one (if either) is going on here I would stick your finger down into the soil and check if it feels dry, then decide whether to water or not.

Los Angeles, CA(Zone 10a)

After a few days of what may simply have been transplant shock, the Bower Vine bounced back and is now doing quite well... I can hardly believe how fast it is growing! The Bower Vine is thriving despite our recent wave of triple digit temperatures. Thanks for the helpful feedback!


Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

Wonderful news. I am very happy for you! :~) Mine were not bothered by the 115 degree weather either, I was sure surprised. They are pretty tough, I guess.
Thanks for the update.

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