Am I confused again???

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

I was at a nursery and they had a little vine in a 3 inch pot. It was labeled Corkscew vine - Snail vine. Are these 2 vines one and the same?


Denver, CO

Yes. But common names change with the wind. Go with Vigna caracalla.
K. James

(ed. to add the irony that the vine's latin name has been changed to Phaseolus caracalla!)

This message was edited Jul 8, 2006 12:38 AM

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

So you are saying that this vine
is the same plant as this vine?

I see on the Snail Vine page it says Synonym:Vigna caracalla whichis the name on the Cockscrew page.

So why do Plantfiles have them on 2 different pages. Also I have seen the Snail Vine at HD and it looks nothing like the fancier Corkscrew vine which I have never seen in person. LOL

I am still confused. LOL

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Kell, I have both vines and the blooms are different on each. Do a image search for snail vine and then one for corkscrew vine - you will find QUITE a difference in the blooms.

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9b)

They are different, the true Vigna caracalla is corkscrew and is fragrant, snail vine is indeed Phaseolus caracalla and a totally different plant, but often mislabeled as Vigna caracalla .

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

So is the Plantfiles is wrong in saying:
Family: Papilionaceae (puh-pil-ee-uh-NAY-see-ee) (Info)
Genus: Phaseolus (FAZ-ee-oh-lus) (Info)
Species: caracalla (kar-uh-KAL-uh) (Info)

Synonym:Vigna caracalla

The lady at the nursery was adamant in saying they were the same vine. I told her to go look at Dave's in Plantfiles and just my luck she had a computer with in feet. LOL. So she did check right then and she said see I am right because Plantfiles had Synonym:Vigna caracalla ont he snail page. But I said why would PlantFiles have 2 totally different entries for the same vine?

Anyway we went round and round though the lady was delightful! She was very good humored. My line of defense was I learned they were different at Dave's.......... so of course I am totally right. LOL. It woud be terrible to be wrong because of that.. LOL

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

Hey Kell, I grow them both & while the leaves are identical, they are not the same. The solid purple Phaseolus is non-fragrant and is commonly found in Lowes & Home Depot in our area. Unless you are at one of your nurseries that carry uncommon things, it is probably the Phaseolus, because Vigna, which is the first link you posted, is highly fragrant and I have never seen it sold anywhere around here. If you get it and it turns out to be phaseolus, I can send you some vigna seeds in the Fall to start for next year. I ran out and snapped a pic of the flowerbuds, my vigna has not bloomed yet, but phaseolus blooms nearly year around. They are both ant/aphid magnets, but I just go out in the morning and give everything a good blast from the hose and wash them down. Then they spend all day getting back into position. LOL As you can see, the buds are very different. Phaseolus (right side of the picture) tends to only have a couple of buds on the end of stems while vigna (left side of picture) has a them running along the length of the stem.
Here is a link to a thread I started last year that should give you alot of info. Hope that helps. :~)

edited when I saw you posted again, the PlantFiles is correct.

This message was edited Jul 8, 2006 8:37 AM

Thumbnail by PudgyMudpies
Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

Just wanted to add one more thing, the seedpods & seeds are nothing alike,
and if you study the flowers, you will see that they are not alike either. The phaseolus has 2 "wings" as you can see in my picture, or even here:
The vigna more resembles the shape of a corkscrew.

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

THANK YOU Donna! You are an expert!! The nursery was Orchards in Layayette. Have you been there? It is a great nursery!

But...don't you mean PlantFiles is wrong when it says the synonym of Phaseolus is Vigna caracalla?

From PlantFiles:
Family: Papilionaceae (puh-pil-ee-uh-NAY-see-ee) (Info)
Genus: Phaseolus (FAZ-ee-oh-lus) (Info)
Species: caracalla (kar-uh-KAL-uh) (Info)

Synonym:Vigna caracalla

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

No never been, is this another one of your great finds I should check out? I went to the Longs and the Ace that you recommended and was gaga over the choices! I can hardly wait to get back there this year when I get to Annies.
As for saying the plantfiles was right, sorry about that, I should have been more clear, I blame brain fade. LOL
I was referring to the fact that they had the right pics for the right plants, I had not even noticed the synonym before you brought it up. We will have to ask admin about it.
So did you buy it?

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

Yes I did and I also bought one from Parks, I think it was a few months ago but it is only a few inches.

It is great nursery but pricey!! I love to go there. It is always fun to go to Sloats and Navlets in Danville too. Navlets is closed for a few months while they build a new nursery. Both those are more reasonable though not the same type nursery.

This message was edited Jul 9, 2006 6:40 AM

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

PS just tonight a few of us from Dave's (Calif Sue, Begoniacrazii and Zuzu) went to Longs. We started at the Arboretum this morning and ened up at Longs around 5:30. We had so much fun!

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

Great fun! I would guess you all came home with trunks loaded and sore feet. LOL

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

I am so out of control. No room for them either. I was so tired last night, I collapsed into bed. I have to empty my car before it gets hot and my husband is up to see. LOL.

And today is an open house of what is supposed to be a great tropical garden that belongs to a manager of a fantastic nursery so you know it will be so great. I have no time anymore to take care of my garden with all my gallivanting.

Denver, CO

Good luck with restraint, Kell. But plant nuts in a nursery are like fire in a powderkeg. Inevitability.

Ha, I had never seen that second vine.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3a)

4 members went on a spree!! I need to see pictures of all the plants you 4 bought. And the Arboretum,please.

Sunset Beach, NC(Zone 8a)

Last year I had my first corkscrew (not snail vine) and loved it. I didn't get too big last year, but she really has taken off this year so I know you will really enjoy it. Everyone that comes by always comments on it.

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

Believe me K, none of us ever show any restraint at all.

Here is a pic of the girls at the Arboretum. We had such fun! We didn't take any of the stuffed cars though!

Barbara, I should check the lowest temp it can take. Not that I have any ground room to put it.

Thumbnail by Kell
Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

you couldn't find anyone to take the pic so you could have been in the shot too? Lali looks so cute in her apron!
I don't think you will need to worry about either vine Kell, they overwinter outside fine for me whether in pots or in the ground.
So did anything sneak into your car from the open house? LOL

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3a)

Fun had by one and all, thanks for the photo!

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

Lali is too cute! She is the energizer bunny too!

No such luck, nothing was given too me even though I was an incredible ouer and wower. LOL. I sure wish a few things had followed me home.

The front of the house.

Thumbnail by Kell
San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

Though yesterday I went out to lunch and stopped by a great nursery for just a fast look and OOPS...................

Thumbnail by Kell
Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

ROTF, you are so addicted. I love the kangaroo paws. I always pet them when I see them but resist because I don't have a big enough space for it. What are you gonna do when you can't squeeze anything else in? LOL

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

I resisted them till yesterday for they had one I had seen at the S.F. Arboretum plant auction in spring. Just the night before I said if I ever saw it for sale, I would pay anything to possess it. LOL. And the very next day.............

Thumbnail by Kell

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