just wanted to share with my fellow plant geeks

Plainfield, NJ(Zone 6b)

I had the luxury of a full day off today, thanks to the Democratic infighting which caused a government shut down and put me and 45,000 other state workers in NJ out of work without pay for a week. I spent the morning re-planting a shady wet border and am mad crazy excited about how it looks!
The area rests between a mature holly and a 20' hedge of forsythia. It is about 15' long and curves from 6' at the edges to about 3' in the center. I used to have a beautiful dense planting of hot colored day lilies there before the rampant herds of deer here decided it was a great salad bar. Although the lilies didn't thrive, they survived but I haven't seen a bloom in over 6 years.
So here's the new "look". I put a glorious Ligularia "The Rocket" in the center, flanked by 2 Joe Pye Weeds (Eupatorium Gateway). That alone made for instant beauty. I planted Chinese Wild Ginger in between and on eaither side of the tall plants and on the very edges of the border. In the widest spots where the border curves out to the depth of the holly and forsythia, I put one each of some unknown bluish cypress that I bought for $1 each after Christmas and nursed through the winter. In front of them on each side are now 3 Lime Rickey Coral Bells (Huerchera something or other) and 2 Gold Foamy Bells (Heucheralla Strike It Rich Girl) making groups of 6 arranged 3-2-1. I'm just in awe of the glorious contrasts of height, texture and color already. This should grow into a striking and dramatic shade border in no time.
Now, let's hope that the danged deer don't decide that they want a bit of forbidden fruit and variety in their diets.
Thanks for allowing my ranting rave. :-D

West Central, WI(Zone 4a)

It sounds just wonderful.....how about posting a pic? Please!

So. Puget Sound, WA(Zone 8b)

Photos! Gotta have photos!

Chesterland, OH(Zone 5b)

sounds really nice, I too would love to see pictures, do you have a before shot, too?

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Sounds very lovely. The Rocket as central plant is going to be quite stunning. I cut the flowers off of mine - somehow yellow daisies in the shade bug me. LOL

Nice combination of plant materials.

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