late pruning

Plainfield, NJ(Zone 6b)

Hello all!
I have two approx 20' hedges of 6-8' forsythia growing along a damp shady woodland border of my property. I neglected to prune them immediately after they finished blooming this year. (yeah, alright, and the past 2 years also) I was wondering just how much damage I'd do to next year's bloom if I hacked at them now? A very wise old gardener whom I learned much from as a child, told me the best time to prune is when your tools are sharp and you have the time. I recently replanted and neatened up the lowers growing borders between and adjacent to the forsythia so it's making the unruly shrubs look extra sloppy and overgrown. What do you think? Is it worth the risk of reducing next year's golden bells or would I still have a decent show of flowers?
Thanks for your info and opinions.
Cleo (me)

Beaverton, OR

If you strip away all the top cover, you may get sunburn. May cut some of the largest back, leaving some shade. They will bloom next spring on the new growth this year.

If you prune now, and don't wait at all, and don't cut the entire top back, you'll get some flowers next year.

For future reference, there's a table on the pruning page of my site for novice gardeners giving the approximate time of the year for various plants; for pruning.


and pick pruning in the menu - then scroll way down to the table.

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