Found Great Organic Pest (Earwig specifically) Control!

West Richland, WA(Zone 7a)

I was at the nursery yesterday looking for something to control the earwig infestation in my garden. I was looking for the Lilly Miller stuff mentioned on another thread. They didn't have but did have some other stuff that mentioned it was harmful to pets and children. Well that doesn't work for me as I have 2 small children, 2 dogs, and 2 cats; none of which I can keep completely out of my garden. I was concerned about the pans of oil thinking my dogs would surely lick it, yuck! Anyway, at the local nursery (a fantastic place by the way called "Beaver Bark" in Richland) and they carry a line of organic products called "Pharm Solutions". Has anyone heard of it and/or tried it? I sprayed the heck out of my veggie garden last night with the "Veggie Pham" and tonight I am going to hit my flowers with the "Flower Pharm". The Veggie Pharm has garlic oil, cottonseed oil, rosemary oil, and cinammon oil. The earwigs ran from the stuff like rats deserting a sinking ship! I will keep you all posted on the final results.

Renton, WA(Zone 8a)

Anybody use this on ants? I was going to buy diatamacious earth, but this sounds good too.

West Richland, WA(Zone 7a)

I just looked at my bottle of the Flower Pharm and it does not say anything specific about ants. Several of the other insects are mentioned such as thrips, aphids, spider mites, whiteflies, scales, leafhoppers, earwigs, and mealybugs. Those were the specific ones listed on the label. The website may give you more info: They are a company out of Port Townsend by the way.
I checked my veggies today and only 3 earwigs were found huddling on a basil leaf. This is fantastic considering my basil and cucumbers literally rained these nasty buggers yesterday before I sprayed.

Gold Bar, WA

I live in Gold Bar and during the winter and early spring we can get very cold driving winds that come down out of the passes. Winds have been known to average 45 to 60 mph and have reached 90 mph during more extreme times. My problem is that I'm looking for a shrub to plant in a exposed area of my yard and by exposed I mean 'exposed' to those winter winds. If possible I would prefer an 'evergreen' but trying to avoid planting coniferous..I live in a mobile home park and my lot is small (48 x 90). I am limited to shrubs due to the lease agreement.
Looking forward to suggestions.

Tacoma, WA(Zone 8b)

Forgive my ignorance. Do earwigs do any damage in the garden? I've got them all over the place but I sort of have a live and let live attitude about bugs that aren't eating my plants, house or self.

West Richland, WA(Zone 7a)

Oh yes! They have eaten my marigolds until there was nothing left, not a single marigold. They have been gnawing on my petunias, and most recently my coleus. My biggest complaint about these nasty bugs have been devouring my basil but as it is planted right next to my tomatoes the basil is keeping them from eating the tomatoes. I suppose I should be grateful. They also are gnawing on my cucumber leaves, bell pepper leave, jalapeno leaves, and ate the beet tops to absolutely nothing. Nasty little buggers, alien looking too. In fact I squished one and it was purple because it was eating a purple petunia! REALLY alien then!!

Tacoma, WA(Zone 8b)

Thanks Stacey!
I've been blaming everything on slugs. (Not that slugs don't do their own share of garden muching)

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 8a)

Earwigs~I have had them eat many types of leaves....I too was blaming slugs at first. Believe me, the slugs do their share+ of the damage too.

Ants~I heard somewhere Aspartame works for most ants.....just found the page...don't know if it's true or not but here it is. K~

Hayden, ID(Zone 6a)

Wow! This is awsome! I am new to this forum & already you are all helping me. Thank you! I was born & raised in the Seattle area - just moved east a few years ago. My dilema was "something" was eating my dahlia shoots & first growth of other plants. I found myself looking for the silvery trail of slugs...... Everyone I talked to here thought I was nuts. We don't have slugs. But we do have earwigs. Now I know what the pest is & I am on my way to find this Pharm Solution stuff. THANK YOU!!!

West Richland, WA(Zone 7a)

We have very few slugs on this side of the mountains so I knew it was something else. I lifted the leaves of my cucumber and earwigs rained out. I also lifted the spreading part of my sweet alysum and there they were hiding. They didn't seem to eat it but it was a nice cool, damp spot to hide. They give me the willies! My 4-year-old son yells "Mom, here's another earwig!". We called an exterminator and now they are all gone!! Yahoo!!!!!

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