
Lonoke, AR(Zone 7b)

As I have just started gardening this year, (more like I just became addicted to it!) I want to build a very simple lean-to greenhouse to get me thru the winter. I am going to be doing this myself, and although I am very capable of doing it, I just simply do not have the knowledge or the money for anything complicated or "advanced". I have a freestanding garage/shed that is at least 12 feet long, with about half this space available to attach the lean-to.

Also, my significant other (or he was until he made THIS comment..heehee!) informed me that I was NOT a guy(so glad he notices!) and that I should not be "building" a lean-to. So, now....it's also a matter of PRIDE! I have to build this greenhouse!


Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

lol.. Now my fisrt reaction woudl have been to say.. "SO are you going ot build it for me then?" No?? Ok get out of my way!!... " (but then I am totally rotten and snippy) You sound smuch sweeter but just as determined..

I am thinking a 12 foot 2x4 bolted onto the garage horizontally at the height you want the roof of the leanto. Take 2 2x4's at each end vertically to the ground. Figure how far you want it to come out. If you don't want to pour a footer you could use landscape timbers.. they are nice and fat and hard to move. Frame your walls with an upright ever 4 feet (or closer) and attach to the timbers. don't forget the door. Once you have your walls up and all attached to each other and to the garage attach 2x4s from the wall to your 2x4 on the garage. cover with heavy plastic. attach the plastic by laying the plastic then laying a thin strip of wood overtop each 2x4 and nailing. To help attach the 2x4's all together check at a hardware store..they have soem cool metal plates and shapes that you just lay the boards in and nail through the holes to attach..

OK I just invented that off the top of my head and I KNOW there are things i probably left out.. maybe a person with experience can help more

Lonoke, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks, Jazz! I think I understand where you're going with that. It sounds simple.....so that means I am probably really missing something.....lol!

Gamleby, Sweden(Zone 7a)

Yupp you missed the ventilation. If you put the door on one shortend see that you have a possibility to open "something" on the opposite shortend.

Lonoke, AR(Zone 7b)

Cool! Thank you both very much. I will be sitting in my greenhouse giving my "other" the evil eye VERY soon ! =)


Fulton, MO

Hey, Rhonda, I have a couple of questions for ya...

Which direction does this 12 foot wall face? Hopefully south!

How high is this wall? This will in part determine the width.

The stuff that holds the plastic to the 2x4 is called lath.


Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

For ventilation, you can also make it where you can roll up the plastic on the sides of the leanto during the day when its sunny. There are several ways to attach the plastic to the base at the bottom at night. I had a big cold frame for a few years and I would roll up the plastic during the day and then unroll it at night and use cuphooks that were screwed into the wood at the base and pulled the plastic down over the hooks. I put several layers of duck tape over the plastic where the hole was to slip over the hook so the plastic wouldn't tear. You could also do this at the end where a door might be, instead of a door.

Carson City, NV(Zone 6b)

I had a lean-to GH several years ago in Montana. I splurged on fiberglass panels because the wind there is too vicious for plastic sheet (tore the first try to shreds in a couple weeks). I was looking for a better way to insulate it and one day my neighbor was throwing away some big rolls of bubble wrap with the large bubbles. He was happy to give it to me and I taped it to the inside of the GH. It was pink and looked funky but the bubble wrap, lots of straw, and a string of Christmas lights kept several potato plants and some peas and carrots alive through -20° nights. If you need some to get started I have a box full left over from moving that I'd be willing to trade :)

Good Luck!

Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi Luv,

I was just wondering if you have built your greenhouse yet.


Lonoke, AR(Zone 7b)

No, unfortunately I havent been able to :( I had to chose between feeding my kids for a few more months or the greenhouse....and I REALLY didnt want to hear them all whining and stuff about being hungry! lol......just kidding! I am still planning on it, tho. I set myself up a place in my freestanding garage, so am hoping it will get me thru this winter. If nothing else.......it will definately be a learning experience! =)

Thanks for asking!


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