pumpkins turning

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

I've got very limited knowledge on growing pumpkins but isn't it a lttle early for them to be coloring up? We planted large and small ones. Smallest ones look like they're at the peak color,some of the larger ones are coloring up but not very big so will they keep growing while the vines still green and growing?I know you don't pick pumpkins(or gourds)until the vines die and vines are mostly still green. Will they hold out there long? Should the vines die and wither soon,should I pick them and store them?


High Desert, NV(Zone 5a)

Depends on the variety... I have some cute, golf ball sized very orange ones and some that are bigger, but aren't very colourfull yet, neither of them are anywhere near mature size.

If you are watering them and they are getting enough to eat, the vines shouldn't die off till fall frost.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Some of the pumpkins I have grown over the years start out yellow, others start out green and turn orange later. It seems to depend on the variety.

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