Proper soil for coldframes

Parkville, MD

Hey everyone!!!. I have built a coldframe that has an A-frame on top ( kinda like a mini greenhouse). I have it full of about 6 inceh of soil and it just bakes under the plexi glass and cracks. I have not planted anything yet but I feel I need to improve upon the soil drastically. I would like to have a very loose soil base to grow baby lettuce in the summertime . Z

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Do you really want to grow baby lettuce in a coldframe in the summertime, or did you maybe mean wintertime? Anything you put in there in the summertime is going to bake just like you see the soil doing. Assuming you really meant you were going to plant in cold weather, I would try amending your soil with lots of compost and that should help a lot with the soil texture.

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