
Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

What about it, is it raining where you are?

It appears we might get rain a little later today, doing the rain dance here.


Thumbnail by judycooksey
Nashville, TN(Zone 6b)

Not raining here. Doing the Rain Dance in Nashville.

Bay, AR(Zone 7a)

Not raining here, but a little cloudy.... could it be??
Doing the rain dance in northeast Arkansas!

Maben, MS(Zone 7b)

No rain here, we have a 40% chance for today.


Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

I sure was hopeful, there was a good size storm coming up from lower AR that I thought was going to at least settle the dust, but it broke up. The good news is there is a good size storm just below Jackson, MS and another one in upper LA, maybe between the two of them we'll all get a good soaking.

Tell you what I'll go out and do a rain dance as I water these durn brugs!!


Bay, AR(Zone 7a)

Well, I got hit with about 10 sprinkles while I was out weeding yesterday. Thunder rumbling in the distance, but that was IT. We had 50% chance last night and I just came in from my morning walk, and there wasn't hardly even any DEW on the ground, much less wet from rain. SHOOT! Guess I'll keep on watering....

Rienzi, MS(Zone 7a)

No rain here either. I water flowers and new baby trees at least once a day. Yesterday my dad ask that I water his muskadine vine to make sure it doesn't die.....Whew....I sure hope it rains soon.

Celina, TN(Zone 6b)

We are getting just a little bit this morning. Dancing for more and hope some comes your way.

Nashville, TN(Zone 6b)

Happy Dance in Nashville. IT'S Raining!! :~)))

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)


I just looked at the radar and thought how wonderful, Betty is getting much needed rain.


Augusta, AR(Zone 8a)

Well about three weeks ago I freely watered my gardens for three days staight and then the bill came. $86 for water!!! I almost had a stroke. I guess I will have to adopt the live or die method, lol.

My dirt consists of alot of sand so I could water for a month and still need more in a few days. Maybe I should invest in more mulch instead of water.

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Oh Yeah!!! We had a good rain shower to pass through here during the night. I slept in this morning so I've just now gone out and am so relieved that I probably won't have to water today. I've got to get me a rain gauge so I'll be better informed.

I'm still doin the rain dance, we need a good soaking!!


Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

gardenergail, Gourdlady2006, edenawaitsme

I'll get my Bullies doing their Bully Butt Wiggle Rain Dance for you!! They love the rain, I call this picture My Mudd Puppies.


Thumbnail by judycooksey
Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Raining here again!!!


Bay, AR(Zone 7a)

LOL thanks Judy.... It seems to be TRYING to rain here.... so see if you can get those mud puppies dancing faster or something!! LMAO

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Funny you bring up this subject,

we have well water, and it's straight from theground, no filters or anything, and there is nothing like the waters that come from heaven that give the plants the nutrients they need, well water doesn't do the same thing as rain water does to make things grow. I wonder why, is it the clouds the rain passes through or what LOL


Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Kathy - Watering via a hose only keeps them alive until Mother Nature gives them a drink. I've tried to research "why rain water Is better" on the internet but couldn't find anything. If you come up with an answer let me know. .... please!!

gardenergail - my DH ran for the camera instead of getting them out of the mud puddle, then they all try to come into the house at the same time!!! I'm shouting get them out, get them out!! We had to hose them off which wasn't easy, they like to be in charge of their water, then dry them off with old sheets. So much trouble, but it is a good picture. If you have children, or are a child at heart, you might like to read the story of Peanut http://www.peanutbulldog.com/ A couple of Head Start teachers wanted to use the stories but the school's website filtering criteria wouldn't let them sign on to my English Bulldog website because of words like Butt in Bully Butt Wiggle, therefore we created a website for them. My DH started writing the stories initially for 2 young boys who had visited us and saw Peanut when he was so tiny, tiny that we didn't think he was going to live. That night their mother sent me an email telling me that the boys asked if they could include Peanut in their prayers. Bob promised to send updates and the stories were the result.


Bay, AR(Zone 7a)

I think the well water has too many minerals and stuff in it and rainwater is, in a way, filtered and doesn't contain such minerals (I don't have the slightest idea why I think that.... if I read it somewhere or just rationalized it in my peabrain).

Judy... that is SO CUTE!! Great storytelling! And I'll bet the kids love it, too.

p.s. Still not raining here....

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

It's been raining here off and on all day, we got two really good soakings .....

Have Bullies, will travel to do the Bully Butt Wiggle Rain Dance. lol lol


Bay, AR(Zone 7a)

Well, then... just head northwest through Memphis and go about another hour and a half.... LOL

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

WEll, you can bring those cute little butt wiggling things here, they are so precious. makes me want one,

Ok, Ok, I'm coming back to reality now I better not go there. I do want the rain though;.


Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

I got the same water bill/heart attack as edenawaitsme. I really think they read the meter wrong - it came out to 366 gallons per day, compared to 226 gpd last month. I know I watered MORE recently, but not THAT much more. Sheesh!

Anyway, we got a really good rain today - at least an inch, which was badly needed. (I typically don't water the lawn unless we start to get REALLY dry, and then I only do the front and about 1/4 of the back. Too much land to water it all.)

Bay, AR(Zone 7a)

Hey Sheila (and Terry), our city allows ONE water bill adjustment a year.... you might inquire. Don't give a reason, just ask if they allow for an annual adjustment and see what they say. Usually, it's for like if you have a water leak or something but I know some people were even allowed the adjustment during the month they filled up their swimming pool!

Just a thought....

Augusta, AR(Zone 8a)

Thanks Gail, I think I will inquire about it, but I feel I'll just be spinning my weels. Our electricity, water, and gas have all jumped by double this summer. Really scares me since I am on a limited budget.
I need a big bio dome thing around my property so I can condense my own water, lol.

Bay, AR(Zone 7a)

Have you priced putting down a well? DH wants us to, but we haven't priced it yet. Hope we BOTH get a good rain soon! We didn't get nary a DROP at my house today, with a 60% chance....

I'd at least ASK..... good luck!

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

We live on solid bedrock - no wells here. Plus we're about to be assimilated (errr, I mean annexed) into the city ... sigh.

I might call and see, but I know they weren't willing to make an adjustment when we found - and fixed - a water leak a couple summers ago. We also wound up paying a plumber HOLIDAY PAY to come out and finish the job when we couldn't get the water to completely shut off at the meter (which would be the water district's problem, right? Ummm, nope.) Because it kept dribbling down the line, we couldn't get the pipe hot and dry enough to hold the solder on the replacement outdoor spigots, so the plumber had to install another shutoff out there, then solder the spigot. THAT bill really hurt, lemme tell ya.

Grumble, grumble...that's not a fun trip down memory lane *grin*

We got such a nice rain yesterday, I shouldn't complain. And it's going to be a little cooler than normal today, so I need to get my backside out of this chair and out there getting stuff done!

Bay, AR(Zone 7a)

Well that stinks! Glad you got a good rain. It's supposed to cool off here, too, so I guess I'll just have to keep watering and consider myself lucky to have a city water & sewer that'll give me an adjustment once a year..... !!!

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)


So sorry you didn't get rain. It pretty much rained all day here and I keep checking the area radar to plan my outside activities. I noticed that the upper part of AR wasn't receiving any rain, so I was thinking about you!!


Bay, AR(Zone 7a)

Well I appreciate that. Luckily, DH likes to sit out in a lawn chair drinking beer on Sat eve's and watch the sprinkler run on the canna garden in the back yard, and is willing to hook it up and turn it on in order to see it! So he'll sit for a couple of hours doing that. I just have to take care of the front yard.... and containers (except for the squash and tomato containers of course.. the FOOD pots). Just like a DH, thinking about his belly... LOL

Rienzi, MS(Zone 7a)

Judy.. it rained here, thanks to your bullie's rain dance. Your bullies are so cute.

I may also have to invest in a pump for an existing well. Sure would be easier on the ol' pocketbook. Our water meter reader only comes around occasionally, so I am sure I will have a heart attack when he does happen to read the meter and I get the bill.

I have been going into the woods to bring home old bark that has fallen off trees to chip up into pieces. I will put newspaper down and the chipped bark over it to help keep my baby trees from drying out so quickly. I hope it works.

Lets keep dancing for more rain. We had a nice rain yesterday, but we are at least 6 inches below normal.

Is everyone enjoying the cooler temps today? It is so nice outside that I forgot to come in and eat lunch. lol Won't hurt me in the least, I don't think.

Time to go back out and see what else I can get into.


Bay, AR(Zone 7a)

I went in and worked an hour and called my boss and said "I've gotta go" and he said "is everything alright?" and I said "I've gotta go work in my yard!!" and he said "do what you gotta do!" and I left and came home!! Been in the yard ever since until now. Came in to potty..... it's GORGEOUS outside here, and in the last month since my dad died I've been at mom's so much that several of my beds are looking AWFUL! I'm going to take care of that today and this weekend!!

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)


So sorry to hear about your father, mine passed away 4/29/06 therefore I can relate. Hopefully you have enough positive memories to carrry you and your Mom through this difficult time.

Ripping out weeds then being able to look at a job well done, lightens our hearts.

I sure hope you have an understanding boss!!! Sending positive thoughts your way.


Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I didn't know that some water companies do that. that's good to know, I had a water leak twice, once when I didn't have a water leak, I got a whopping 250.00 water bill and we don't water with city water, we have well water, they could never figure out why the high water bill but everybody in the neighbor hood got a very unusually high water bill that month. about 4 months later I got a refund for that bill so it must have been the water co mistake .

high water bills are no fun, and I'm so glad we invested in putting in a well, although it's nasty water, we still water the plants with it.

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)


Quick Brug question: It's too hot to ship cuttings or small plants now, isn't it??

(To Whom It May Concern, Kathy is one NICE lady. She's sent secret gifts of plants to people in need of a smile.)


Bay, AR(Zone 7a)

I've had such a great day! The beds that were in "pretty good shape" are now in REALLY good shape, with a good watering and tending. A co-worker came over and we went through the yard and I gave her starts of some tall lavender phlox, DF+ of 5 different daylilies, pink and yellow 4 o'clocks, a blackberry lily, some tall blue hardy salvia (the hummers LOVE it), and some pink bee balm. We crammed her trunk so full! Luckily she's taking off tomorrow and can plant it. My walked over to check out a green flood light I put out shining on a fountain of a woman holding a basket and the water pours out of the basket. It looks really cool with the spotlight. While I was digging, I pulled a couple of fans of a tall lemon yellow daylily that he's been admiring (he mentioned it the other day) and laid them on his truck hood, so when he came out to see the light I told him they were there. He said someone gave him a bunch of plants one time and said the only cost was that when they made enough, he had to share them with others, and that plants should go "from loving hands to loving hands". That is so true.

So this weekend, now that my good beds are set, I've got to tackle the last obstacle of having my yard to the "just walk around and enjoy" state, and that's these two oval beds and this little picket fence-row.... the oval beds are almost completely grown over with bermuda... looks like I'll be tugging and pulling all weekend, but that's ok. Temps are in the 80's!!!!

Thumbnail by gardenergail
Bay, AR(Zone 7a)

Meant to say, also...
Judy, so sorry to hear of your loss as well... My dad was great and I'm doing alright. I hope you are too. I have SO many good memories, and today, when I left work, I went to the nursery where I had gotten a condolences gift certificate from my master gardener group (they usually get a plant but didn't find out until almost a month later) and I got a concrete statuary of a bearded man wearing a robe holding a baby. Had to pay another $45 on top of the $25 gcert but it was worth it. I sat it next to my bird bath in front of my porch right behind the MAGNIFICENT DAD daylily that Calif_Sue so generously sent me. On the other side of the bird bath, I've got a St. Francis behind Clothed in Glory, also from Sue. Behind the robed man are oriental lilies, hostas around, an azalea, and some other stuff. Wish I'd taken a pic before dark! I'll take on in the morning and post it....

Bay, AR(Zone 7a)

Well, poo.... I overslept and didn't have time. I'll try to get it this afternoon...

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