Gift Crinums blooming just after transplanting.

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

The huge clump of 19 bulbs I received from a generous neighbor haven't missed a beat.

Thumbnail by raydio
Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

This scape has an astounding 20 (yes, twenty) blooms coming!

Thumbnail by raydio
Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Just a lovely thing. Reminds me of an oriental lily.

Thumbnail by raydio
Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)


(The 20 bud scape.)

Thumbnail by raydio
Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Do you have an idea of what they are? They do have a lot of leaves, I will have to do some searching. The number of flowers should be a helpful clue, they are amazing to have carried on regardless! There are a lot of crosses so it may prove difficult to ID.

Perhaps you could send some pics to Marcells Crinums, there's an expert if ever there was one.

So how long has it taken you to bury them all?

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

I have no idea, really, as to what these are. I'm assuming they're a hybrid and that's about it. I've been checking around (have looked at Marcelle's site) and reading what as much as I can find here and there on the web.

I was browsing eBay last week, and there was this:

"The ‘Gulf Pride’ is one of the better clones of the cross of Crinum Scabrum x Crinum Bulbispermum and was developed in the 1800s. Hybrids of this cross are referred to by the grex name of C. x herbertii. "

So, perhaps what I have is a clone of the scabrum x bulbispermum ilk.

If it sets seed, that should tell me something, perhaps. The ovules of the scabrum I have are "beaked"; meaning that when the blossom fades, the tube above the ovule (seed part) doesn't wither and drop off as it does in, say, C. x powellii.

Adding to the somewhat confused literature on Crinums, are misnamed hybrids based on the appearance of the bloom alone. I have found a lot of different "Milk and Wine" lilies given what I suspect to be the wrong botanical name in more than one case. Easy enough to do.

I recently got a bulb tagged C. scabrum with a leaflet giving general Crinum notes and therein it is stated that they're hardy to zone 7. Whoa. Some are, some aren't. And Tony Avent (Mr. Zonepusher) of Plant Delights gave fair warning about the species C. scabrum when they carried it: He recommended that it was hardy to zone 9 and if you were in zone 8 and wanted to push that, you should put it at least 12 inches (30cms) deep and mulch heavily on top of that!

So. I'm wondering now that bulb is a scabrum-erubescens hybrid like the "Stars and Stripes" that Avent says will take 7b or truly C. scabrum as it was listed, or a scabrum-bulbispermum..........Will have to write the grower to be sure, assuming it has been correctly identified. I have it potted and will not put it in the ground till I'm absolutely certain what it is.

Anyway, my neighbor told me that he got it from someone (whom I've met before) who lives just up the road from us. I'll ask her about it first chance I get.

Thanks for the offer to help identify this Crinum.


This message was edited Jul 3, 2006 10:52 PM

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Robert, I think I told you about someone who is an ebay seller and grows around 200 types, ( your link is an 'about blank'), he does a lot of researching.

You are right about the mixing up of names, it's a wonder if there are any correctly named ones around, unless they have been bred and sold by the same person!

At least you know the ones from your neighbour are hardy to your area! You might get a good lead from the original owner of the, talk about pass along!

there is always DNA.........

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Don't know what happened to the link but DG was very uncooperative and slow yesterday.

I looked at the 20 bud scape and the count is now 25 blooms!!!! There were smaller ones down in there that I couldn't see at first and now that they're flushing out, well, there's 25.

I was reading about usual bud count and for most of the Crinums that resemble mine the count is 10-16. I looked at a couple other scapes, one had 16 the other 11.

I can't wait til home DNA testing kits are available, at a very reasonable price, of course. Wouldn't that be a can of worms, though!

This is "Gulf Pride", (item 220001248649), picture from eBay trader seedman01. The bulb went for US$37.00 and was about tennis ball sized.


Thumbnail by raydio
Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Oh boohoo, I had typed and done a bit and got shut down!

Briefly, it does look spot on, the inner three with their slight frills, the buds, stripes etc.

I found a web site mentioning it as an old suothern gardens crinum, off I go....

also mentioned on ebay links but must be old as they are not there, and the other members site someone has it to trade.

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

Wow Robert, those are absolutely gorgeous!! Makes me want to get in the car for a roadtrip to see you!! or your crinums lol....with my handy dandy shovel :) Everyone could use some of those! If they ever (when) they get big enough to break up and you want to trade, let me know!

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)


You're welcome to visit......shovels won't be permitted in the Crinum gardens this year, sorry ;-). Send me a d-mail to keep as a reminder. May have some next spring.


Thanks for the heragallery link. Interesting person!

Please note: Although it isn't actually said to be so, the "Catawba River Lily" shown isn't a Crinum but a form of indigenous Hymenocallis. I've been down to Landsford Canal just over the NC/SC line in SC to view the annual showing of the "Rocky Shoals Spider Lily" pictured. You can wade out in the river for a closer look, but most people stay onshore. Last year (or was it the year before?)flooding caused many of the hummocks to wash downriver. Someone brought a boxful back to the park that they had found 20 miles downstream.


Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Small world isn't it! Caught them out, haha.

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Just trying to keep things from becoming even murkier in both genera, and little things like that contribute. (Don't even start me on "Google Images". Boy, if you don't already know what you're for looks like, you can REALLY get the wrong idea.......)

Hymenocallis might even be MORE confused; so many variants here and there, so many isolated pockets flung far and wide. So much BS sometimes >:-O.


Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Just found out a little bit more about this Crinum.

It came to my neck of the woods from Florida.

The man who gave it to me got it from another neighbor, who got it from her mother-in-law, and that was so long ago she doesn't remember from what part of Florida her MIL lived in.

And, from reading about it and comparing pictures, if I had to bet (and I don't have to, lol) I'd bet that there's a good chance it's the same cultivar as "Gulf Pride".


Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Great detective work Watson!

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