Sickly Stuttgarts

I bought 5 Stuttgart bulbs/rhizomes from in early April. I started them in 10 inch grower pots, indoors. Two of them never sprouted, and the others have very weak growth.
I have them planted in large (14inch square patio pots, with new MG potting mix) on shaded east side of house, as I understand that they burn easily in the sun.
2 of them are 2 foot tall, with skinny spindly stalks-very little variagation. The most strange part, tho, is the fact that when they put out a new leaf, it only stays open for 3 or 4 days, then actually falls off the plant, into the pot. At first I thought the wind or a small animal might be the culprit, but now know differently. I saw the last one just fall over and break off. Anyone have any ideas what is happening?
My "regular" full sun cannas are doing great, as usual. Please help, if you can!

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

May be the Rhyzomes was weak . i bought one this year off ebay it was really nice big healthy looking after it did not come up {3 weeks} i took it up no roots nothing i replanted it and it roted in the ground. paul

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

We bought TWIN Canna Stuttgarts! Mine are doing EXACTLY the same thing, except my leaves aren't falling off. They're just tall and spindly and no evidence of flowering or variegation whatsoever. My supplier and I are keeping careful watch on this stock. I bought 10 from them, and they don't want a bad reputation, so they're working with me, and shall remain nameless until this is resolved...and I thought it was cause I was a NEWBIE who didn't know what I was doing!


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