ORV CoffeeHouse #2

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

This is continued from http://davesgarden.com/forums/t/609244/

Okay.. lets see if I did it right..

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

YAHOOOOOO!! I dood it!!! Yeah I did !!

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Happy July, everyone! Ya done good, Dusty. :)

Proctorville, OH(Zone 5b)

Ya did good dusty.... Happy long weekend & I did think the trolling motor was a good idea,,,

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Thank you , Thank you,,,,,,
I am busily trying to figure out how to remove blade guards from my floor fans to install on the trolling motor.....Hmmmm Think I got it!! EUREKA!!!!!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Glad I'm not as crazy as you all are...LOL!!!! WTG Dusty!!!

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

You just wait till I get there Marcy....You aint begun to see CRAZY!! LOL

I do want to say in all sincerety....Please have a safe and wonderful 4th of July weekend and please remember those of us who served our country and those who are serving our country today to keep us all free and preserve our democracy and way of life..

**For those who fought for it, the price of Freedom is something the protected will never know..**

This message was edited Jul 1, 2006 8:58 PM

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)


Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Okay Y'all...(can I say Y'all in OH??)

Time to liven this joint up a bit!! LOL

It is 85 degrees here today .. a balmy sea breeze... plans for a shower or two later on...
I just drenched all my northside containers... My little Hostas are blooming!!
Speaking of Containers... Hey Ric!! Ya want a Kumquat tree?? Its full of fruit and blooming again!!
The Cannas are in their 2nd bloom as well....My St Bernards Grass is going berserk since I dug it up and potted it....
Will Fountain Grass do okay up there?? I have a small one I bought a few months ago..Havent dug it up yet..just in case..
My Larkspur and Purple Salvia are blooming like crazy...and the roses are setting buds for another bloom cycle....Y'all are going to have to re-teach me how to winter roses... Mine bloom year round down here..I remember Poppa always cut his back, packed 'em in straw and tied burlap sacks around them...
I have alot of perennials that I want, Im going to have to learn how to winter over too..I Know my BOP is going to be a house plant...Im hoping it will bloom next year..I cant wait to see the first blooms!!

And whats going on in Your World today????


New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Hi Dusty! Yeah..you're allowed to say ya'll here..!! We have lots of "Southern" Buckeyes...lol!
I'm not too sure about the fountain grass. It might be hardy where Ric is in Cincy..but it's definitely not hardy up here on the Indy border. Kettering...is kinda inbetween the two of us? Try it and see!
On roses...I have lots of beautiful roses here.....BUTTT....I only grow what's hardy here..like...knockouts...John Cabot....assorted shrub roses...NO TEAS. They might do well one or two seasons...then...kapoot! I don't cover any of mine. If they survive..it's on it's own!
Now..tell me what I have to do to get my BOP to bloom??????? I have had it ..hmm....about 5 yrs? It's in a pot..winters inside...and has never bloomed? Looks good and healthy? What is the secret?????? I heard they like to be root bound...surely this one is by now????
And...I just got home from the dentist down in Kettering...fun fun! Had to have a crown put back on...but had lunch at the Panera Bread Co. ...so that made it worthwhile...!!!

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

I dunno Marcy....Im just praying I get a bloom next year.. Mine is in a pot also.. just at 5yrs old.. so we shall see...Mine is just at 4.5 feet tall from the dirt up..HUGE leaves, and 3 new suckers coming off of it this year....Guess you and I need to do some research... Mine is a white one...

WOW!! I didnt realize Panera Bread was all over!!. We have 2 nearby here.. I thought it was just some Greek down here that had opened them.. ( We have a HUGE Greek community )
Shows ta go ya what all I know !! LOL LOL

Sorry about the tooth, but better than yer back.... How is it BTW?? Any news from the Doc's yet??

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Hi Dusty.....
No...no word on the back yet. I haven't called...not anxious to know...lol! I seem to be doing ok...well a little episode last night..but..doing ok now. Nothing major.
I guess he will let me know when he wants to see me.!!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

There's a Panera Bread Co about halfway between Tabasco and us too! lol

My fav bread store was in Kettering on Wilmington, by the bike shop across from Arthur Treachers. Strip Mall w/ a plumbing fixture store.
For the life of me I can't remember the name. Buns something???


New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Awww Ric...I remember that store too...and I can't remember the name either..geesh!! I LOVE BREAD STORES...LOL!!! I "knead" it like another hole in my head!! Sorryyyyyyy ..couldn't resist that one!!

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Great Harvest Bread Co. has *wonderful* bread. Last year, they had a table set up at the Newark downtown farmer's market, and it was so successful they opened a storefront here in town. They don't bake it here, but bring it over fresh each morning from their bakery in Pickerington. It's so fresh and yummy.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

I have over 150 bread recipes.
I've collected Ethnic recipes from all over the world.
W/ the diverse cultures here in Cincinnati the spices and different flours are pretty readily available.
Don't do it much in the gardening months though. No time! ll


Buns Masters maybe? For that Kettering store.....GREAT Kaiser Rolls they had!

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Good Morning Everyone!! How was your weekend??

I know what Ill be doing when I get up there..besides raiding nurseries, and farmers markets..Ill be raiding Ric's recipe box!!! LOL


Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Morning Dusty!
We finished cleaning up the last area of our yard.

The space between the garages is now home to all our compost bins, trash cans and a nifty paver stepping stone walkway.
This to connect us to our behind neighbor's yard. (Home of our small veggie garden.


Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

We went to Newark's Jazz & Ribs fest downtown Saturday, then to the coffee shop to loiter with our cronies all evening. It was just a day hanging around with people.

Early Sunday morning we headed over to Daylily_ohio's to see if we could figure out why the daylilies don't photograph well with her camera; we had to get there early while the light was optimal for photographing them - turned out it was overcast until late morning after all! It was cool meeting another DG member and to see the dozens of varieties there.

Sunday afternoon...Nap. Definitely!

Sunday night was great, with a concert at Dawe's with the Columbus Symphony Orchestra followed by fireworks. The conductor for this concert, Albert-George Shram, was terrific; he brought the audience into the performance and told wonderful anecdotes about the composers and pieces they played. He made us laugh a lot, which we really needed. :)


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Kimberley, thanks for posting that link! I used to babysit for a Bible study that several members of the CSO belonged to. It was fun to look at the roster and see their names still there. And - yikes!!! - the name of one of their sons!! He's old enough to be playing string bass in the Columbus Symphony Orchestra?!? When I started babysitting for them, he was FOUR!!! Old old old.. I'm getting old. LOLOL

~ Marylyn

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

We felt old when we watched a mother and group of teens in front of us. The girls were text-messenging their friends (and probably each other!) all during the concert. LOL I know what you mean!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Ahhhh, rain. Figures it comes two days after I finally broke down and turned the sprinklers on. At least I know the ground would absorb and not let the rain run off.

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Good Morning Everyone!!
79 degrees and sunny this morning..Had a major deluge of rain last night, so all of the Brownery is now greenery again..LOL I finally have enough weeds and scrub grass growing to hold the hillside behind me from washing down into the screen porch, and the front yard from washing into the street..I have deliberately been waiting 2-3 weeks to mow so whatever was going to seed would do so, and spread..This was a sand pit last summer when I moved here, with the yard washing into the street..There was a 3 foot deep gulch to the right of the driveway that I had filled, and the entire yard is sugar sand, so its been a real PITA...Since it is sloped I had intended to terrace it into several beds this summer and eliminate the mowing out front completely...But since we are moving, Im not expending the money or the back pain..

Any new Pics of the yard yet Ric?? I have a question for you ... Do you know how to propagate a PonyTail Palm? I have a monster out front that Id like a few chunks off of it..

Cant see it very well but its on the left corner of the house...Ill see if I can get a better pic..

This message was edited Jul 12, 2006 9:40 AM

Thumbnail by DustyDS
Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

I finished my summer semester today, came home and weeded some in between rain showers. I'm in peak bloom and it's been raining every day! figures!

Not much going on around here, waiting for green beans and tomatoes.

We need to start talking about doing our late summer round up. :-)

Hoping more folks can come this time, as well as everyone else who was there this spring!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Fall round up, count me in again. I enjoyed the spring one so much, hope that more will be there.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Me, too!

You guys, I have to share this with you. It's a video I did in Photo Story 3 for a baby shower of friends. The title and end info were added later - they won't show on the baby shower version. Enjoy! :)

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

That's REALLY good, Kimberley! You did a great job. :-)

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

We're up for a RU too!
September maybe? or is that too late?


New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Roundup sounds good here too! How about more central location..like somewhere in Cincy?

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

We're going to the KYRU September 22-23. If Howie isn't at a new job by then and still has vacation time, we'll be away the week leading up to it.

This message was edited Jul 14, 2006 10:53 AM

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Ok folks...here is what I got for my anniversary...lol! I'm not big on mosaic..but I DO like this one! Thought I would share it here!

Thumbnail by Marcy_1
Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

That is beautiful and fun - love it!

Just had a thought...If the ORV fall roundup is September 16, we could come to it, then head down to Kentucky right from there. We'll be camping at Prizer Point that week.

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

The only thing I worry about is any plants we swap having enough time to get established.

Maybe we should start a new thread to talk about it?

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Thank you gardenwife!!

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