How Often To Apply...

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

I'm involved in doing some soil/fert tests this year. See thread here
My DG Diary

I'm using Rabbit Manure and an Alfalfa Tea as my Organic ferts. I'm wondering how often I should apply these?

The Rabbit Manure was mixed into the soil when the plant was potted, at a rate of 3 parts soil, 1 part manure.

The Alfalfa Tea is a recipe I found here on DG and consists of 10 cups Alfalfa Pellets, 1 cup Epsom Salts, 1 cup Fish Emulsion mixed in a 32 gallon trash can filled w/ water.

We have had rain storms daily for 2 weeks straight. I expected to see much better and impressing results from the manure. I'm wondering if the rain is/has washed all benefits away and if I should consider reapplying? I need these tests to be fair, I can't overload on organic ferts trying to prove them to be better.

I'm testing on Impatiens planted in 6" pots.

Thanks for any & all help & suggestions. I appreciate it!

Port Orchard, WA(Zone 8a)

Heather, be sure not to use rabbit pellets that are medicated. I but the horse pellets to be sure. I make earthworm compost tea, but I add in a tea bag,alfalfa, kelp meal, fish emulsion, mollases, then I add air, and heat. I mix it with water in watering can and pour it on everything I have growing. about once a month in summer. the microbes in the tea make to soil into a rich humus. lol Jim

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

The rabbits were not medicated. The rabbits are not mine, but the farmer I got the manure from gave me all the info I wanted, plus some. He even gave me contents label off of a bag of the feed for the rabbits. He's such a nice guy!

I've been using the alfalfa tea straight from the trash can, no water added to dilute it. According to the recipe that's how it is supposed to be used, unless I read something wrong.

I will be applying the tea monthly. Thanks so much for that info. Any idea on how often to apply the rabbit manure anyone??

Port Orchard, WA(Zone 8a)

Heather, the second sentence should have read, I use alfalfa horse pellets to be sure they aren't medicated. Jim

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

Oh, ok. LOL.

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