Not A TRADE a request :)

Ormond Beach, FL(Zone 9b)

Hi everyone :) I hope that its okay to post this here ... I am so excited !
I just learned that I am a finalist in the Mambolicious Recipe Spectacular Cook-Off . Starting today and ending on July 15 voting will be open on the best desert .
PLEASE ,PLEASE VOTE for A fellow DG'er :
The recipe with the most votes wins $500 in cash and a years supply of Sunspire Chocolate chips :YUM .
here is the link to the ballot page ;

my recipe is the Peanut Butter Paradise Bars , they really are awesome !

Ive never done this before and feel kinda silly but I could really use that cash .my little guys therapy bills tripled last month and it's starting to hurt , this would help a bit ... try my paradise bars they really are delicous :)
Thanks !

markleysburg, PA(Zone 5a)


Augusta, AR(Zone 8a)

Yes congrats to you! Maybe you should consider a bake sale as well =). If you cook, they will come. Everyone loves to eat.

Edited to let you know I voted for you too =). Pretty ingenous (sp) if I do say so myself....ask and you shall recieve.

This message was edited Jun 30, 2006 9:12 PM

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9b)

I voted! Looks like you can only vote once :-(

in Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Good luck I voted too.

Ocean Springs, MS(Zone 9a)

I voted!! Your at 25.98% right now.


Hanson, KY(Zone 6a)

Hi Teresa,
I voted for you too. Hope you win, The peanut butter bars sound yummy, wanta trade???

U.P., MI(Zone 5a)

O.K. I just voted for you! Good Luck. I am going to try you're recipe also.


Ormond Beach, FL(Zone 9b)

Thank you SO MUCH everyone ! you guys are great ! Im a pretty new member of Daves but you guys have made me feel like an old friend :)
Hey Rainy Jane I'd be happy to send out batches this fall /winter ...
That might be a fun mystery swap when its too cold to ship plants !

Hanson, KY(Zone 6a)

Yummmy.....Never thought I would be ready for winter to arrive! Can't mouth is already watering. I love cookies!

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I voted too. Is this company one that makes only organic foods, or what? I've never seen them in my dinky grocery store. Their "store-finder" said I have to go to the next town over to buy their stuff.

xxxxx, Carrie

Lilburn, GA

I have just voted for you. Best of luck!

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Okedoke - you've got another vote and were up to well over 27%. The recipe sounds yummy, too - I don't cook (my hubby is the kitchen person, I'm the outdoor gal), but I might have to try it!!

I hope you win and that your little guy's therapy bill don't continue to increase. Not fair, I say.

Ocala, FL(Zone 9a)

Just voted for you- Good LUCK

Corning, NY(Zone 5a)

As of my vote, you are up to 28.03%

Northern, AR(Zone 6b)

Just voted, good luck.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Voted for you!!! You're at 28.15% - next person behind you's only at 20.23%!!! yeah you!! Remind me to use "this method" should I ever enter anything!!! LOL

Georgetown, KY(Zone 6a)

I voted too

Ormond Beach, FL(Zone 9b)

Thank you all very ,very much :)
Here is a pic of my munchkin Blayke holding a leopard frog he caught in the courtyard pond

Thumbnail by teresamas
Silex, MO(Zone 5b)

He's a doll Teresa- very handsome. I voted too. :)

Portland, TX(Zone 9a)

I voted too. Best of luck.


south central, WI(Zone 5a)

Hi, my vote just went in. You are looking good! :)

Pasco, WA(Zone 6b)


I voted.
Good Luck!

Ripley, MS

I voted also, good luck

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Your son is absolutely darling - hope his therapy is going well!!!

(Nadine) Devers, TX(Zone 9b)

I voted for good luck all in the world for ya to win...

Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

Voted for you too. And if it counts for anything, I actually thought your recipe sounded the best!
Welcome to Daves

Ormond Beach, FL(Zone 9b)

Thank you all SO MUCH :) Yes therapy has made all the difference . He has a type of high functioning autism and didnt speak at all untill he was almost 31/2 . Now at 51/2 he talks all the time and I REALLY mean ALL the time LOL !
Our insurance has suddenly increased our speech co pay .I am so thankful to even have insurance however between meds, visits to specialists ,mris,eegs ,gastro tests
and therapy 3 times a week its a juggling act to keep it all going then our co pay went up 300 % last month without any warning ?!!!! Oh boy !
so when I got the email that I was a contender in this contest I saw a
glimmer of hope for at least this next month !
Thank you again to everyone who votes and make those peanut butter paradise bars for the 4th :)

Livermore, CA(Zone 9a)

Teresa, your recipe looks really yummy. You got my vote !!


Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Teresa, I "job coach" developmentally disabled people. I don't happen to have any autistic folks in my group, but have done as much reading on it as I can. I am thrilled for your son that therapy has been so helpful - brings tears to my eyes!!! (And I'm thrilled for you as well - as a job coach I am often dealing with families, too, and I have a love for each and every one of them, plus admiration). Incidentally, I have a stepson who has developmental disabilities but is highly functional - he has certainly been my inspiration for my work. His disabilities are totally different from your son's, of course, but my thought is that with the support of family, medical personnel, and the each community, most anything is possible.

I do so hope you win the contest and in your son's honor, I am actually going to bake the goodies (remember, I'm the NON-cook!!!!)


Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

I meant to attach a picture of my stepson, taken in 2003 right after he helped me change a sandbox into a garden (we had a great time!!!!!!!). The garden is named in his honor, of course, and his dad immediately made an appropriate sign.

Thumbnail by Murmur
Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Teresa, You are way ahead in votes, and I also got the recipe, gonna try it, even if you don't win. I did vote for your recipe.

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

MMMMMMMMMMm, I voted for ya.

Goldthwaite, TX(Zone 8a)

You're now at 30.79%. Your recipe does sound good, and as soon as I can find the ingredients (very small town here), I will try it. Good luck!

Mobile, AL(Zone 8b)

I voted for you too. Will try again tomorrow. Good Luck!!!

Whew hew, you're in the lead so far. I just voted.

Woodsville, NH(Zone 4a)

I voted for you too Teresa. Wishing you much luck!

Ormond Beach, FL(Zone 9b)

Thank you all so much :)
Carole ,I really appreciate your post . Im so glad to hear that your stepson is doing well and the garden is terrific !
Blayke was labeled as mildly retarded at 3 because he was totally non compliant with testing .Now at 51/2 his ST and phy believe that 'if they can devise a test that will accuratly measure his abilities " he would test as gifted
They want an independant eval in order to get him tested believing he would qualify as "gifted with exceptionalities " which here in Florida means much better placement services in public school. ( or so they believe anyway )
He has the heart of a lion . Communication is so tough for him yet he NEVER resisits instruction or gets angry at correction ,he just tries even harder .
These kids with special needs teach everyone they touch some important life lessons !
My older sister was a lifeskills trainer with easter seals for several years and I went often to visit her and the people she served . You are doing wonderful ,important ,life changing work and I just want to say a great big "Thank You !"

Hometown, IL(Zone 5a)

You've got my vote! Good Luck!


Pueblo West, CO

I voted for ya. Good luck! Your recipe looks yummy.

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