Sunset hummel jade

Key West, FL(Zone 11)

I just got a small rooted cutting of a cool orange green jade plant about 2 " long.
I figured the best way to manage it was as a bonsai. Any ideas on how fast they grow?

I know they like a sandy mix on the dry side, indirect light. Should i wire it in the dish?

Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)


Jade as in crassula? Bright light or filter sun and I use a gravel mix. I really like small lava rock with sharp sand and a high quality potting soil, 1 part each. Works well for all my cactus/succulent collection. Key West may no have da lava rock. Maybe some small pieces of chunky coral? My point is the rock should have a rough surface to hold air. Here in FL my crassula seems to grow best in the cool season Oct/Nov and again in early spring. I feed mine weakly/weekly when they are showing growth, rain water or tap water that has set out overnight every two weeks when they aren't in growth. I have seen regular jade in pot on the front steps in 1/2 day sun around town and it looked good.

Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener
Key West, FL(Zone 11)

Thanks Dale
Ill see what happens I have it in a coral turface soil mix right now. Love your Moss Pot.

Bandung, Indonesia

Do you have any comments about this bonsai - one of my collection ([]) ?

Species : Ficus Benjamina

Style : Informal

Height : 12 cm

Thumbnail by limadijaya

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